Scientists Find No Evidence Polar Bears Are Undergoing A ‘Climate Crisis’

A new study by Canadian scientists once again debunks the notion polar bears are currently being harmed by global warming. Researchers with Canada’s Lakehead University found “no evidence” polar bears are currently threatened by warming.

“We see reason for concern, but find no reliable evidence to support the contention that polar bears are currently experiencing a climate crisis,” Canadian scientists wrote in their study, published in the journal Ecology and Evolution.

Scientists looked at 13 polar bear subpopulations and found “much of the scientific evidence indicating that some polar bear subpopulations are declining due to climate change-mediated sea ice reductions is likely flawed by poor mark–recapture sampling.” This means researchers aren’t able to put together accurate “demographic parameters.”

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Three Brand New Peer-Reviewed Papers Refute IPCC Global Warming Science, Climate Models

Three Brand New Peer-Reviewed Papers Refute IPCC Global Warming Science, Climate Models!

What follows are the 3 newly published papers and their abstracts which flat out conclude IPCC alarmist science may be fatally flawed. Hat-tip Kenneth Richard. The main points are emphasized in bold print. 1. Trends in Extreme Weather Events since 1900 – An Enduring Conundrum for Wise Policy Advice It is widely promulgated and believed that human-caused global warming comes with increases in both the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. A survey of official weather sites and the scientific literature provides strong evidence that the first half of the 20th century had more extreme weather than the second half, when anthropogenic global warming is claimed to have been mainly responsible for observed climate change. The disconnect between real-world historical data on the 100 years’ time scale and the current predictions provides a real conundrum when any engineer tries to make a professional assessment of the real future value of any infrastructure project which aims to mitigate or adapt to climate change. What is the appropriate basis on which to make judgements when theory and data are in such disagreement? The compilation of temperature records are a source of problematic methodology of a kind not seen elsewhere in science. Under the umbrella term of “homogenisation”, there now seem to be a growing myriad of post-hoc adjustments to the original raw data that all seem to go in one direction, namely to increase the overall rate of global warming. This happens even on official websites. The total change is often somewhat greater than the 0.8-1ºC rise over the 20th century that is agreed by most people, critics or not. This is exemplified by data in Figure 4. This makes the problem of dispassionate engineering assessment almost impossible to achieve. Hansen (1981) wrote : “A remarkable conclusion from Figure 3 is that the global temperature is almost as high today as it was in 1940.” It is not clear now why this should be remarkable, although at the time, the rise in temperature from about 1975 had cancelled out some of the cooling since 1940 in the then available data. At the time, he [Hansen] showed 1980 temperatures were about 0.15ºC cooler than 1940. Now, NASA shows 1980 temperatures about 0.2ºC warmer than 1940. They have made a relative shift of +0.35ºC, and the adjustment represents ~40% of …

Study: Coral Reefs Just Fine If Away From Humans

Coral Reefs Just Fine If Away From Humans

Reading this article on coral reefs makes me wonder if “climate reporters” have a brain in their head.But then I realized you don’t get to keep those jobs unless you vomit up the propaganda. First it starts in on the doom and gloom stuff about coral bleaching, global warming and El Nino. As ocean warming continues to trigger widespread destruction of coral reefs, a decade-long study of remote islands in the Central Pacific suggests these biodiversity hot spots may nonetheless be able to thrive. With many parts of the globe in the grip of a coral reef bleaching event — fueled in part by El Niño-driven ocean warming — scientists and marine conservation advocates have feared many reefs could suffer irreparable damage and fade from existence in coming decades. Then they get to the good stuff. The results show that coral reefs surrounding remote islands were dramatically healthier than those in populated areas that were subject to a variety of human impacts. “There are still coral reefs on this planet that are incredibly healthy and probably look the way they did 1,000 years ago,” said Jennifer Smith, lead author of the study and a professor at Scripps’s Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. Teeming with sharks, manta rays, jellyfish and sea turtles, these remote locations contrasted starkly with the heavily populated areas, which were encircled by coral reefs covered in murky seaweed and lacking much of the colorful algae that helps to cement a reef. Duh!!!!! It isn’t “global warming” damaging reefs. It is humans and their pollution and rich assholes boats scraping over the reefs!

— gReader Pro…

‘Greenland’s surface has gained almost 500 billion tons of ice since Sept. 1’ – ‘Arctic sea ice is very close to the 1981-2010 median’

Arctic Meltdown Update

Greenland’s surface has gained almost 500 billion tons of ice since September 1. Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI Arctic sea ice is very close to the 1981-2010 median. N_daily_extent.png (420×500) Experts say that the imaginary melting is both … Continue reading →

— gReader Pro…

Already 133 ‘Consensus-Skeptical’ Papers In 2016 …Over 660 Past Two Years

IPCC Needs To Start Over… Already 133 “Consensus-Skeptical” Papers In 2016 …Over 660 Past Two Years!

Guest author Kenneth Richard has updated the lists of papers that do not support the claimed “climate science consensus” for 2014, 2015 and 2016 (just added). The updated list for 2015 has been posted (see right side bar under “Pages”) and now includes 282 papers.  IPCC climate reports are emerging as only half reports. Image: IPCC 2014 will be updated soon. 2016 has just been added to the “Pages” side bar. As the body of evidence refuting climate alarmism continues to balloon, the question of how the IPCC can continue ignoring it becomes ever more glaring. Clearly the IPCC has weighted alarmist papers over those that are not. 660 papers in just over 2 years Over the last 27 months over 660 scientific peer-reviewed papers have ben published refuting alarmist claims on everything from temperature rise, climate model integrity, droughts, extreme weather events, floods to hurricanes, sea level rise, etc. Overhauled IPCC is needed Now is not the time to disband the IPCC, but rather it is time to completely overhaul it and assure it does its task objectively and without an agenda. Though most of the papers the Richard lists support that climate change is happening (it always has) and that human activity appears to be one factor, the alarmist scenarios often trumpeted by the media and IPCC scientists are in fact turning out to be more hype and less reality. According to Richard, who has spent hundreds of hours meticulously analyzing the body of climate science literature, already this year alone (2016) some 133 consensus-skeptical papers have been published.

— gReader Pro…

Neither Rising Sea Levels Nor Extreme Weather Getting Worse

A new paper in the Journal of Geography and Natural Disastersdemonstrates reality proves wrong the oft-repeated claims global warming will result in an increase in the number and intensity of extreme weather events. Extreme weather during the most recent period of warming is on the decline.

The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL), the global data bank for long-term sea-level-change information, shows there has been little or no change in either the direction or rate of global sea level changes.

No substantial change in the rate or direction of sea level change from 1900 to 1975 when compared to rates of change from 1975 to 2016, the period of purported human-caused warming. In Scandinavia and much of coastal Eastern Europe sea levels have fallen or remained the same since 1900 with no change in direction or rate of decrease since 1975. In Australia, Central and Southern Europe, and North America, where sea levels were rising or neutral from 1900 to 1975, they have remained rising or stable post-1975.…