Who needs data? Time Mag. Calls it 11 months early!: ‘2016 Expected to Be the Warmest Year on Record’
Time: ‘2016 Expected to Be the Warmest Year on Record’
By P.J. Gladnick | January 25, 2016 | 4:26 PM EST
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The first month of the year isn’t even over yet and as people in the Northeast are digging their way out of one of the biggest snowstorms in recorded history, Time magazine has a message for you: “2016 Expected to Be the Warmest Year on Record.” Yes, they couldn’t even wait for the temperature readings to be evaluated in the months to come to make that prediction. Just as much of the mainstream media have already declared 2014 and 2015 based on highly questionable evidence, they are already declaring 2016 to be even hotter based on absolutely no evidence other than pretending to read future temperatures.
Time was so eager to dive into their “hottest year on record” shtick they couldn’t even wait until 2016 started to issue their proclamation. It was actually made on December 17, 2015 as reported by Justin Worland:
Next year will likely be the warmest on record thanks to El Niño and ongoing climate change, according to a new report.
The research, published by the British Met Office, suggests that the average global temperature in 2016 will be between 0.72°C (1.29°F) and 0.96 °C (1.73°F) higher than the average temperature in the second half of the 20th century. Last year was the hottest year ever recorded and meteorologists say that 2015 will beat that record handily barring an unexpected change.
Umm… No. Last year was not the hottest year ever recorded…if you check out the facts from climate scientists who aren’t receiving government grants to validate the pre-determined global warming outcome. One such scientist is MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen who makes this observation:
“Frankly, I feel it is proof of dishonesty to argue about things like small fluctuations in temperature or the sign of a trend. Why lend credibility to this dishonesty?” Lindzen, an emeritus Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, told Climate Depot shortly after the announcements.
“All that matters is that for almost 40 years, model projections have almost all exceeded observations. Even if all the observed warming were due to greenhouse emissions, it would still point to low sensitivity,” Lindzen continued.
“But, given the ‘pause.’ we know that …
Skeptic group places radio ads in DC: ‘Even if the UN’s science were correct, America’s sacrifice would be for nothing’
January 12, 2016: ICSC has taken out the following radio ads on Washington DC area radio stations:
Although the voice is different, the text of both radio ads is the same and is as follows: “President Obama wants to eliminate coal, our cheapest electricity source, in a vain attempt to control Earth’s climate. Power costs will soar with millions of jobs lost. “Science does not support Obama’s actions. Climate will continue to change no matter what we do. “Moreover, developing countries emit the most carbon dioxide. But under the Paris Agreement they don’t need to make any reductions. So even if the UN’s science were correct, America’s sacrifice would be for nothing.” NOTE: People may ask how it is that developing nations don’t need to make any reductions under the Paris Agreement. That is the topic of the ICSC opinion piece published today in The Daily Caller, Washington DC: “Time For Obama To Tell The Truth About Paris Climate Agreement,” click here to read the piece! |
Here is the ICSC Web page that summarizes the situation and gives back up info: http://tinyurl.com/z9enrnj…
Bad Timing: Scientists Tout New Study On Man-Made Warming As Americans Sit Under Record Snowfall
…MSNBC’s Hayes Links Blizzard Effects to ‘Climate Change,’ Pushes ‘Hottest Year’ Claim
…Warmist Blizzard claim: ‘Did climate change play a role here? The answer, quite simply, is yes.’
Winters are getting warmer pretty much everywhere, but at the same time, seven of the ten heaviest snowstorms in New York City’s weather history (which dates to 1869) have now come within the last 20 years. A similar trend holds for DC and Baltimore. Something is clearly different recently.
There are a lot of reasons for this, including a big boost from a very strong El Niño(and some other factors that are, frankly, probably either random chance or not well understood), but there is clear evidence global warming is boosting the odds of recent big Northeast snowstorms. Among the clearest is Physics 101: A warmer atmosphere is able to hold more moisture, and thus can produce heavier precipitation (whether rain or snow) in a shorter amount of time. At the moment, exceptionally warm waters off the East Coast (as high as 76 degrees Fahrenheit!) are boosting the amount of water vapor in the air by about 10 to 15 percent, according to Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Looking ahead to the forecast for the next few days, warmer than normal temperatures are expected to resume for the foreseeable future, meaning this snow—as heavy as it was—won’t stay around for long. And that, of course, is partly due to global warming too.
LA Times: ‘America’s climate refugee crisis has already begun’
In the small town of Newtok, Alaska, a Yupik village of about 350 people, children once played on endless fields of frozen permafrost. Now, they splash in salt water pools and teeter on boardwalks as the permafrost below thaws and the Ninglick River chips away at the community. Soon even the boards will be swallowed by the rising tides.
In 2017, it is projected that the highest point in Newtok — the school building — will be underwater. For these Alaskans, climate change is not just a global temperature trend; it is happening under their feet. Shoreline erosion is forcing residents to abandon their community as rising water inundates the lives they once lived. Twenty years ago, the signs were already in place and Newtok made the difficult decision to relocate. Since then, it has been slowly rebuilding its school, homes, and lives inland to escape the ever-encroaching waters.
Newtok residents will be among our country’s first climate refugees — but not our last.
…Only In My Backyard: Warmist Dem Sen Whitehouse backs $700 million fossil fuel plant for R.I.
In an interview with WPRI news, climate activist and US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse announces his support for a huge 900 megawatt fossil fuel-fired power plant to be built in Burrillville, Rhode Island.
Senator Whitehouse: “I don’t think that it’s valuable from Rhode Island’s perspective to make Rhode Islanders pay high winter gas prices”.
WPRI says that activists environmental groups ‘such as Save the Bay and the League of Conservation Voters are understanding about his position on the project.’
Sen Whitehouse backs Burrillville power plant
WPRI Eyewitness News 12
Rhode Island
January 22, 2016…