New York Times Misleading Their Readers Again About Greenland ‘melting’ – NYT recycles ‘same hysteria for almost 85 years’

Even the most ridiculous estimates of ice loss in Greenland are less than 200 km³ per year. The volume of the ice sheet is 3,000,000 km³. Using the most aggressive claims, it would take 15,000 years for the ice sheet to melt. That accounts for a sea level rise of about one hundredth of an inch per year. Does Coral Davenport think that one inch of sea level rise over the next century is going to drown her?

But the reality is that the surface of Greenland gains about 300 billion tons of ice every year. Greenland is not melting.

The New York Times has been reporting this same hysteria for almost 85 years.


TimesMachine: May 15, 1932 –


TimesMachine: June 24, 1930 –

Thirty years later they were predicting a new ice age.

2015-10-26-19-25-48December 7, 1958 –

Climate is cyclical. There is no rational reason to believe that the Greenland ice sheet is going to disappear. More than half of it never gets above freezing most years.…

Al Gore still ‘training hundreds of mini-Gores’ – Uses bad weather events as proof of global warming

The big difference in the updated version of the slide show is that a decade ago, Gore mostly warned about what could happen. Now he shows what’s already happening.

Gore did discuss President Barack Obama, giving him high marks on climate issues for his first few months in office and for his entire second term, but accusing the president of abandoning the mission for the bulk of his first term, in part because of his “historic web of ties to the coal industry in Illinois.”

From now on, Gore says, every election needs to be a climate-change election. His goal is to put a political price on denial.

That’s why Gore came to Miami, to build his grass-roots slide-show army, to spread his message that climate change is here and now and scary as hell.

Gore’s avalanche of statistics and images is designed to overwhelm, to make the reality of climate change undeniable. The heat trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases, he explains, is the equivalent of exploding 400,000 atomic bombs every day. “The denialists challenge everything I say, but they’ve never challenged that one—and believe me, they would if they could,” he added.
