Obama Warns of Planet Beyond Repair: ‘Submerged Countries. Abandoned Cities. Fields No Longer Growing’
NBC Treks to Arctic Alaska to Find ‘America’s First Climate Change Refugees’ ‘Living in Fear’
Obama’s apocalyptic Alaskan scenario more fiction than fact
Three Facts To Counter Obama’s Alaska Global Warming Hype
…Climatologist: Obama peddling a non-issue in Alaska
And while Michaels doesn’t recommend citing the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as authoritative, for the sake of argument he offers: “The IPCC says that the temperature record that is the best one in the world comes from the University of East Anglia, and that’s the one that shows the pause in surface warming since about late 1997.”
According to Michaels, satellite and weather balloon records show the same thing. “They show no warming for about 20 years,” he notes…
If The Arctic Is Melting Why Is The President Ordering New Ice Breakers For Arctic?
…Skeptics point out silly claims made by Warmist Katharine Hayhoe
…Cold, snowy winters caused by global warming, says new study
…Summer Snow to Greet Obama on Alaska Climate Trip
Summer Snow to Greet Obama on Alaska Climate Trip
When President Obama visits Alaska this week to campaign for a new international agreement to fight global warming climate change, Alaska will be experiencing colder than normal weather and forecast summer snows, as seen in this WeatherBell.com graphic of forecast total snowfall by Friday: Forecast total snowfall by Friday, Sept. 4, 2015 from the GFS model (WeatherBell.com graphic). Besides this latest example of the Gore Effect, the dirty little secret is that the climate is always changing, and what better place to illustrate the role of Mother Nature (not humans) than in Alaska? Extreme Weather Alaska weather matches its geography – extreme. Temperatures there have ranged from 100 deg F (in 1915) to 80 below zero F (in 1971). Summer days are so long that they can grow pumpkins weighing over 1,000 lbs. Nevertheless, yearly average temperatures are actually below freezing — even in the warmest years. Glaciers were Already Retreating Before 1900 The supposed poster child glacier for global warming in Alaska is Mendenhall Glacier…except that it had already retreated one mile by the early 1900s, long before human greenhouse gas emissions could be blamed. Furthermore, its retreat is uncovering large tree stumps approximately 1,000 years old, coincidentally coinciding with the (naturally-caused) Medieval Warm Period, back when the Vikings were able to farm in Greenland. Which begs the question: How could it have been warm enough to grow giant trees 1,000 years ago in an area now covered in ice? We don’t know why it was so warm 1,000 years ago—climate scientists don’t like to talk about it because they can’t explain it — but for some reason they are sure that your SUV is causing current warmth. Alaska’s Recent Warmth is Mostly Due to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation NOAA’s official average temperature product for Alaska, even after they’ve made innumerable and controversial adjustments, shows cooling from the 1920s to the late 1970s, then sudden warming associated with the Great Climate Shift of 1977: NOAA official Alaska average annual temperatures, (Aug. to July) through July 2015 (NCDC Climate at a Glance). This shift was due to a natural reversal of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, a 60 year cycle which affects the atmospheric steering currents in Alaska, determining whether cold polar air or warm Pacific air tends to win out as the two air masses continually battle for control over …
An emergency meeting for 40 world leaders to do climate deals? The real “Paris” negotiation?
An emergency meeting for 40 world leaders to do climate deals? The real “Paris” negotiation?
Give us our junkets, and forgive us our flights. We’re here to save the world. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon just announced plans to invite 40 world leaders to a “closed shop” climate meeting in just four weeks time. How often does that happen? UN summons leaders to closed-door climate change meeting Financial Review Frustrated by slow progress in global climate talks, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon plans to invite around 40 world leaders including President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to a closed- door meeting next month. The meeting will take place in New York on September 27, a day ahead of the UN general assembly, said three people with knowledge of the matter. Ban also plans to invite French President Francois Hollande, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, as well as Chinese leaders, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because they’re not authorised to speak to the media. The bonanza of money and power on offer in Paris is so large that nothing will be left to chance. The industry is worth $1.5 trillion a year already. Laws about energy use cut across every part of the […]Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast)
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