Fmr. Harvard Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl on ‘Merchants of Doubt’: ‘Morano is an incredibly good communicator…a very likable character’

Needless to say, the climate skeptics are automatically assumed to be the fraudsters. It would be much more logical to compare the fraudsters in the magic industry to the actual fraudsters in the climate debate, namely the climate alarmists, and the movie doesn’t find it important to present any evidence that their reverse link is the better one.

Climate alarmist Ben Santer presents himself as a quiet, modest, peaceful guy who is afraid of violence etc. The movie would be much more attractive if he were allowed to show what kind of a man he actually is, e.g. quote his ClimateGate e-mail:

From: Ben Santer

Next time I see Pat Michaels at a scientific meeting, I’ll be tempted to beat the crap out of him. Very tempted.

Well, the catchy scenes haven’t been included so this supernasty, near-murderous jerk named Ben Santer was painted as another boring sheep and the viewers must have been disappointed by this segment – which was both dishonest and uninteresting.

At the end, the movie made me much less upset than I had expected. It is unquestionably a propaganda piece. But even when it gets to the schools, I have serious enough doubts about its ability to make a difference. It’s a very complex question what are the optimum characteristics of a propaganda movie to achieve a certain goal.

The character of this movie is completely different from some of the good skeptical documentaries, like The Great Global Warming Swindle (TGGWS). TGGWS was filled with historical, scientific, and political facts, popularization of mechanisms uncovered by science, and lots of other things. There is no science and no true evidence in the Merchants of Doubt. After all, Naomi Oreskes doesn’t understand any science (or anything else that matters, for that matter). It’s a propaganda movie that invites you to hate the climate skeptics as well as the tobacco industry, the free markets, and anti-communists. It doesn’t really present good evidence that these topics are related or should be related. At the end, some people (or children) may find it enough to change their mind but I do think that people who buy the message of this movie are so terribly stupid and naive that they can’t possibly influence the fate of the civilized nations.


Warmist film ‘Merchants of Doubt’ — comes back as insidious propaganda to kids in schools

The film’s backers also helped push the Los Angeles Times and a dozen other US papers[1] into banning “anti-fact” skeptic views.

Merchant of Doubt’s second target is the education system. The film comes conveniently packaged with classroom study guides for teachers and students. Green groups such as Cool Australia and Australian Youth Climate Coalition will waste no time in leveraging their influence in schools to get the film playing and streaming on the smart whiteboards.

The dark art of “Education” – teaching the kiddies to vote for big-government – Merchants of Doubt was designed from inception as part of an education package. The film’s website includes study guides for high school and college students to “develop critical thinking skills that will allow them to sort through confusing messages and distinguish between truth, propaganda, and misinformation.”

The website itself concedes that only 50% of Americans support the IPCC line that most of recent warming is human-caused. The documentary-makers blame “spin that’s masterfully orchestrated by some of the world’s largest corporations”.

Huh? This tirade about skeptic funding comes from eBay billionaires. Compared with funding to the climate industry, money going to skeptics would be lost below several decimal places.[4]…

Top German Scientist Bluntly Criticizes Splinter Branch Of Science Attempting To Hijack Global Policymaking!

Top German Scientist Bluntly Criticizes Splinter Branch Of Science Attempting To Hijack Global Policymaking!

At his Klimazwiebel website, Hans von Storch, a climatologist for more than 40 years and a director of the Institute of Coastal Research for over 20 years, writes of how last June at a symposium in Nottingham he was asked to comment on his view of the role of science in society. A dean of German climate science, von Storch has long been a vocal critic of a cabal of climate scientists who are venturing beyond their fields and attempting to seize the role of deciding policy for society. He maintains that scientists are simply not qualified to run the world, even though many have deluded themselves into thinking that they are. Lately a limited group of climate scientists have been demanding a rapid and radical transformation of global society. Von Storch warns that science is always on the verge of error: “Scientific knowledge represents a resource for the public, in making-sense of complex developments and perspectives, in decision making.” He also says that science must always “be prepared to revise its understanding when new observations arrive, or if contradictions in the present understanding are unveiled“. He warns against dismissing those who challenge science: “Attempting falsification is a necessary step to add plausibility of scientific knowledge”. He warns of the consequences of abusing science to promote personal agendas: “…by renouncing attempts of falsification, by failing to implement the scientific method (and norms a la Merton), by using the knowledge for the promotion of specific societal interests, this capital science is spent“. Von Storch says scientists should not venture beyond their fields because in truth they are “Fachidioten” [nerds], a German term for “narrow specialists, i.e. nerd”, and that scientists should not let their arrogance get the best of them. He says these nerds “know their narrow field particularly well; their understanding of other fields, which are also of great importance for a societal problem, {but that it] is as good as that of as any hairdresser, taxi-driver and journalist“. The veteran German climatologist reminds us that scientists are also just normal citizens and so they “should not use the capital of science as an argument supporting own preferences“. He describes an environment where some scientists are abusing their status and how the public “is getting ‘resistant’ to the cacophony of newest scientific claims that this-or-that …

New Study On 20th Century Sea Level Rise Signals That IPCC 21st Century Projections May Be Grotesquely Overblown

New Study On 20th Century Sea Level Rise Signals That IPCC 21st Century Projections May Be Grotesquely Overblown

Germany’s University of Siegen issued a press release on a recent study conducted by climate scientists. It turns out that natural oceanic cycles indeed do play a far greater role on sea level fluctuations than first believed. Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne. Therefore, because the factors were not correctly considered in the past, we can immediately conclude that the scary projections made by the IPCC for the 21st century were falsely calculated and are thus likely grotesquely exaggerated. What follows is the University of Siegen press release, which I’ve translated in English. ========================================= Natural Sea Level Fluctuations Underestimated University of Siegen study shows: The effects of natural ocean cycles on sea level changes is greater than first believed Scientists all agree that global mean sea level rose by 14 to 21 cm since 1900. Up to now everyone assumed that the largest part of the rise was connected to man-made climate change. However a new calculation by a team of scientists led by German scientist Dr. Sönke Dangendorf of the Water and Environment Institute (fwu) of the University of Siegen now shows the causal uncertainties are much greater than previously assumed. The effects of natural ocean cycles on sea level is thus greater than first believed. “The uncertainties on the causes of the observed sea level rise since 1900 published up to now fluctuate between 2 and 3 cm. Earlier about 90% of the sea level rise was attributed to anthropogenic effects, i.e. caused by man. These figures are based on the assumption that naturally caused fluctuations in the ocean last merely a few years, and thus explain only a very small part of the observed rise. The latest results however shows that the natural ocean cycles even can persist over decades or centuries. Therefore we can no longer exclude that natural fluctuations may have contributed up to ±8 cm to the observed sea level rise,” says Dangendorf (photo). The results have been published in renowned journal “Nature Communications”. In its 5th assessment report in 2014 the IPCC summarized that ocean heating and melting of glaciers explain about 80% of the observed sea level rise since 1900. On the other hand the share by the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets over the said time period still remains uncertain. What’s clear is that …

The ‘Arctic Methane Emergency’ appears canceled due to methane eating bacteria

The ‘Arctic Methane Emergency’ appears canceled due to methane eating bacteria

Many readers know that we’ve covered the supposed “ticking time bomb” of methane that is supposedly going to be released somewhere, somehow, either from methane clathrates on the sea floor due to ocean warming, or from melting permafrost. Due to methane having a greater GHG warming factor, a potential of 34 times that of CO2 […]

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‘Climate Change’ Museum in the Works for New York City

Climate Change Museum in the Works for New York City

It’s hardly an issue of the past; in fact, it’s a phenomenon that is ever-changing and continuing to affect the globe as its inhabitants scramble to deal with it. Climate Read MoreThe post Climate Change Museum in the Works for New York City appeared first on Ecorazzi.

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