What Does A Conflict Of Interest In Climate Science Look Like?
…Warmist Rep. Grijalva retreats: Now says a request for professors’ communications was an ‘overreach’
Earth Hour Set for March 28 with Focus on Climate Change
Earth Hour Set for March 28 with Focus on Climate Change
Prepare to turn out the lights at the end of the month, as the globe’s biggest grassroots conversation initiative is set to return. This year, Earth Hour will be taking Read MoreThe post Earth Hour Set for March 28 with Focus on Climate Change appeared first on Ecorazzi.
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Good news: the warming pause finally appears in the news
…Antarctic Sea Ice Did The Exact Opposite Of What Models Predicted – ‘Most climate models predicted Antarctic sea ice coverage would shrink’
“Both satellite-observed Antarctic [sea ice extent] and [satellite measured] Antarctic [sea ice volume] show[s] increasing trends over the period of 1979–2005, but [climate models’] Antarctic [sea ice extent] and [sea ice volume] have decreasing trends,” researchers added.…
Heat’s on for climate-change nonconformists
…Dr. Willie Soon Speaks – Fires back at critics: Calls witch hunt ‘a shameless attempt to silence my scientific research and writings’
…New Report on Willie Soon: ‘Debunking the Left’s Attackon an Innocent Climate Scientist’
Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. on climate ‘Witch Hunt’: ‘My 11-year old asked me if I was going to jail’