‘Hottest year’? ‘The margin of error is 0.1ºC. That is 5 times larger than the increment by which 2014 supposedly surpassed 2010’
…Warmists turning Mark Twain phrase on its head: ‘Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.’
…NYT cites GOP voter who claims ‘A tree fell on my house’ due to global warming to hype new poll
…Analysis of NYT/Stanford climate poll analysis: ‘Cook up a poll, produce results they like, and then use it as a club to make whatever they want’
…Skewed poll: NYT doesn’t ask if people will pay to fight global warming — they won’t
it doesn’t ask the obvious follow-up question: Would you pay for that action?
We have proof that the public’s answer is “No.”
Rasmussen Reports last fall asked both questions, including this one:
“To generate cleaner energy and fight global warming, it might cost Americans more money each year in taxes and utility costs. How much are you willing to pay each year in higher taxes and utility costs?”
• Nothing
• $100
• $300
• $500
• $1,000
• More than $1,000
• Not sure
Guess what? Some 48 percent of voters chose “nothing.” Another 23 percent were only willing to spend $100 more a year.…
Which is it? Time Mag. goes both ways on volcanoes! TIME Mag.: ‘Climate Change Leads to Volcanoes’ – OR Flashback Time Mag 2014: ‘Volcanoes May Be Slowing Down Climate Change’
…Watch: Morano featured as villain in new warmist documentary: ‘Merchants of Doubt’
‘Merchants of Doubt’ producer Robert Kenner on Morano : ‘Marc was not thin-skinned. If I asked a tough question, he’d give a tougher answer’ – Warmist Kenner says he can learn from Morano: ‘Morano’s been very successful, and I thought, okay, I could learn from him’ Kenner: ‘I really enjoyed being with Morano. He was thoroughly entertaining, he was thoroughly unfiltered. And he, there was a degree of honestly coming from Marc Morano of talking about what he did. So there was no need for me to lose my cool with Marc. He was very straight-ahead, on some levels. And there was no question that he would be offended. There were one or two people who I felt were very thin-skinned; Marc was not thin-skinned. If I asked a tough question, he’d give a tougher answer. At the same time, I don’t think he was really in touch with the damage he was doing, to put it mildly…I don’t think Mark was in touch with the consequences of his actions. But he was very open, and on some levels, he helped inspire how I should tell this story. Saying: you have to connect with humor. It’s ironic, but he’s been very successful, and I thought, okay, I could learn from him.’
Warmist review of Merchants Of Doubt criticizes film for being ‘swindled by the charm of charismatic talking heads’ like Morano – ‘When the director should be leading the interview to uncover the root of deception of people like Marc Morano, he is swindled by the charm of charismatic talking heads. As he tries to side his audience against the skeptics, Kenner ends up using the same tactics that they do.’
‘Morano seems to be the most aggressive, bullying the scientists he debates’ – Morano stars as villain in new warmist doc ‘Merchants of Doubt’ – Review of new film: ‘The premise is that Morano is the fun one, the party boy who gets all the good college kids to stop all their boring studying. I don’t think yelling is fun though. Morano is
‘Anyone can be a prophet of doom: Pick a spot on the globe, any spot, and state with oracular authority that it will suffer most from runaway climate change’