Study: Faulty thermometers exaggerated western U.S. mountain warming…
UK Register: SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS that 2014 was record HOTTEST year? NO
NYT: Pope’s Climate-Change Stand Deepens Conservatives’ Distrust…
Watch: Morano on Fox on ‘Hottest Year’ Claims: ‘It’s statistical nonsense’ – ‘NASA’s Gavin Schmidt has egg all over his face with this’
Partial transcript of interview:
Marc Morano: Their error bars for claiming the ‘hottest years’ are 500% larger than the claimed difference. In other words, they are talking about statically meaningless temperature records that the instrument record can’t even measure. It’s way within the margin of error. It’s statistical nonsense. You asked, Stuart, can we poke holes in this? This is a house of cards, it’s collapsed on its own weight.
They said it was the hottest year on record based on statistically meaningless difference based on hundreds of a degree between hottest years. They admit now that they are only 38% sure 2014 was the ‘hottest year.’ They knew the media would run with this as though the ‘hottest year’ claim meant something but it means absolutely nothing.
It means in reality that the global warming pause continues. And according to the satellite data there has been no global warming for 18 years 3 months. Every kid in high school today has not experienced global warming.
There have been fluctuations, the satellite data uses NASA satellites and has been promoted by NASA as more accurate than ground based thermometers. They constantly adjust the land based data, they cool the past, and they heat the present. There is all kinds of siting issues with land based thermometers. So the global warming establishment now wants to ignore this satellite data which shows the 18 year pause.
We have scientists now using words like ‘misleading’ & ‘lies’ & ‘deception’ against NASA.
NASA’s lead global warning scientist is Gavin Schmidt. He’s got egg all over his face with this.
He knew when the hottest year claims went out to the media that this was something NASA did not have the confidence in– They should have presented that more prominently.
Stuart Varney asks Morano: ‘So you don’t think the earth is warming?’
Morano: The earth is warming since the end of the Little Ice Age in about 1850. Many of the glaciers you see — that people get all excited about about melting — a significant portion of them had melted by 1900 or 1950 before humans could have possibly had any kind of warming effect on the climate. (More on glaciers here, here, here and here.) And we have actually probably cooled since the medieval warm period that occurred from about …
NASA Facing The Heat For ‘Hottest Year Lie’
…Wildlife loss in the global ocean not as dire as on land
…WH Science Czar Holdren says Obama climate regs ‘greatly improve’ odds of avoiding a billion deaths
White House science czar John Holdren is alleging that President Obama’s global warming regulations may “greatly improve” the “prospects for permanently avoiding” a billion deaths from what he termed “carbon-dioxide climate-induced famines.”
Holdren told Fox News in a January 1, 2015 article that his 1987 suggestion of a billion CO2 induced deaths was not a “prediction” but merely what may be “possible.”
‘Botched environmental predictions for 2015’: Excerpt: Paul Ehrlich cites Holdren in his 1987 book “The Machinery of Nature”, noting that: “As University of California physicist John Holdren has said, it is possible that carbon dioxide climate-induced famines could kill as many as a billion people before the year 2020.” Holdren told that he does not view that as a prediction.
“As accurately reflected in the quoted passage, my statement in the 1980s about potential impacts of climate change on food production by 2020 was not a ‘prediction’ or a ‘forecast.’ It was, precisely, a statement about what ‘is possible,’ ” he wrote in an email to There are also still five more years left for the scenario to occur.
“It is a bit too soon, on the eve of 2015, to make any firm pronouncements about what will or will not happen by 2020,” Holdren wrote.
Holdren added that new regulations are the best way to avoid catastrophe. “I very much hope, of course, that nothing as dire as a famine killing a billion people will happen as a result of climate change by 2020, or ever. But the prospects for permanently avoiding such an outcome… will be greatly improved if this country follows through on the sensible measures in the President’s Climate Action Plan,” he wrote.
End Excerpt
Climate Depot Analysis: It is very hard to believe that John Holdren is taken seriously as a scientific leader on climate change. His 1987 scare scenario sounds awfully like a “prediction.” Holdren maintains it was only a “statement of what ‘is possible,'”. Using that logic, anyone making any scary global warming prediction never has to worry about being held accountable.
But the most outrageous comment that Holdren said was regarding the notion that Obama administration EPA climate regulations could somehow prevent a climate catastrophe and the death of one billion people. First off, Obama regulations would not impact global carbon dioxide levels, let alone temperatures or any other alleged man-made climate …