John Kerry warns of ‘moral failure’ at climate conference
Kerry warns of climate ‘tragedy’…
Time to tackle global warming running out, Pope tells climate summit
Time to tackle global warming running out, Pope tells climate summit
December 11, 2014
VATICAN CITY – Tackling the problem of climate change is a serious ethical and moral responsibility, Pope Francis told negotiators from around the world meeting for a climate summit in Lima, Peru.
“The time to find global solutions is running out. We can find adequate solutions only if we act together and unanimously,” he said in a written message to Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Peru’s minister of the environment and host president of the 20th UN Climate Change Conference.
Thousands of negotiators from 195 countries gathered for the meeting in Lima Dec. 1-12 to hammer out details of a new international agreement to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
The Vatican released a copy of the Pope’s message Dec. 11.
The Pope encouraged the leaders in their discussions because their decisions will “affect all of humanity, especially the poorest and future generations. What’s more, it represents a serious ethical and moral responsibility.”
The impact climate change already has been having on coastal regions and other areas “reminds us of the seriousness of negligence and inaction,” he said. It is morally imperative that people act.
“An effective fight against global warming will be possible only with a collective and responsible answer” that overcomes one-sided or special interests and is “free from political and economic influence,” he said.
The Pope said the leaders’ response will have to “overcome distrust; promote a culture of solidarity, encounter and dialogue; and be capable of showing responsibility for protecting the planet and the human family.”…
Skeptics Cleared Off Stage: Apollo 7 Astronaut Rushed Off Stage At UN Climate Summit To Make Way For Kerry Photo Op
LIMA, Peru – During a press conference today by the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Peru, climate change skeptic NASA Apollo astronaut and American hero Col. Walt Cunningham, along with CFACT Executive Director Craig Rucker and Director of Communications Marc Morano, were abruptly removed off the stage by UN officials to create a platform for a photo op for the newly arrived Secretary of State John Kerry.
Video of Skeptics’’ presentation at UN here.
Despite being given a slot of 30 minutes for their talk, they were told they had to “wrap up” after 18 minutes into their presentation to make room for Secretary Kerry who is attending the UN talks to promote a new UN climate treaty. Kerry said in October that ”If [skeptics are] wrong: catastrophe…Life as you know it on Earth ends.” Kerry has also declared that climate change “may be, in fact, the most serious challenge we face on the planet.”
CFACT staff learned that Secretary of State John Kerry needed to use the stage for a photo op with the U.S. climate negotiating team during their allotted press conference. Kerry was scheduled to do a talk in a different room, but needed the press room for Kerry’s photo op. Six minutes later, CFACT politely left as requested and then the room remained empty for at least another 35 minutes. Col Cunningham’s skeptical talk was interrupted without just cause.
“This is an outrage. We are one of the few skeptical voices of reason here at the conference. To interrupt our press conference and abruptly end our press conference smacks of a cheap form of censorship,” said Craig Rucker of CFACT. “This was particularly obnoxious as the room remained vacant for quite a while after we left.”
Selected highlights of shortened skeptics’’ press conference at UN climate summit in Lima:
UN hosts climate skeptics at summit: Apollo Astronaut Slams UN for perpetrating the ‘one of the biggest frauds in the field of science’
Skeptics Descend on UN Climate Summit
Col. Walt Cunningham to UN: ‘CO2 is not a pollutant! Earth’s climate history indicates CO2 is not a major factor in climate change. The UN has twisted science in order to enrich itself and
…UN hosts climate skeptics at summit: Apollo Astronaut Slams UN for perpetrating the ‘one of the biggest frauds in the field of science’
Video Available Soon
UN Press Conference – Dec. 11, 2014 – 1400-1430
LIMA, Peru — The United Nations hosted a group of climate skeptics during the Lima global warming summit on Thursday December 11, 2014. Skeptics from Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and a NASA Apollo 7 Astronaut denounced the UN climate claims and the goals of the summit.
Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham rejected the UN climate view and the entire basis for a climate treaty. Climate Depot’s Marc Morano congratulated the UN summit for finally getting a willing U.S. to sign onto its meaningless and dangerous climate treaties.
“CO2 is not a pollutant! Earth’s climate history indicates CO2 is not a major factor in climate change. The UN has twisted science in order to enrich itself and inflates its own importance,” Cunningham said at the UN meeting. Cunningham made news earlier this week when he protested the UN climate claims. See: Watch: Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham paraglides off a cliff in Peru to protest ‘sorry’ state of UN climate science
Cunningham added that he believes climate alarmism is the “one of the biggest frauds in the field of science.”
“There is no reason to be concerned about today’s temperature or temperature trend. Human produced CO2 plays a miniscule role in global temperatures and there is no reason to believe today’s CO2 and temperature levels are ideal,” he added.
“Humans cannot have any significant influence on the Earth’s temperature,” Cunningham explained.
Cunningham was one of the signatories of a letter signed by 50 former NASA astronauts and engineers.
Craig Rucker, Executive Director CFACT: “It is mind boggling that as the world rushes towards adopting a climate agreement, the alleged scientific ‘consensus’ behind global warming is being blown apart. With Antarctic sea ice at record high numbers, polar bears thriving and no global warming for 18 years 2 months, you would think there would be a need to pause and reconsider the evidence for a climate catastrophe.”
Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano, former senior staff of the U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, congratulated …
WaPo rips Greenpeace: ‘One of the biggest challenges for climate activists is to convince developing countries that they should not aspire to enjoy the same material comforts’
…WaPo: Greenpeace’s damage is ‘irreversible’ — ‘So furious is the Peruvian government that it has barred the Greenpeace activists from leaving the country and is preparing criminal charges…punishable by up to eight years in prison’
…Bolivian president: ‘The origin of global warming lies in capitalism’
‘The origin of global warming lies in capitalism’
Lima, Peru—Evo Morales, the president of the Plurinational Republic of Bolivia, is a superstar politician here at the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP-20) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The press gaggle follows him around like puppies and enthusiastically applauds his unrelenting diatribes against rich industrialized countries. The headline is a quotation taken from Morales’ response to being asked at a press conference if he was optimistic about the summit meeting here in Lima? “The deep causes of global warming are not being dealt with here. The origin of global warming lies in capitalism,” asserted Morales. “If we could end capitalism then we would have a solution.”
Morales further observed, “After thirty years of negotiations, global warming is still going on.” He added, “So many people and countries do not act responsibly. They are only thinking about profits, luxuries, and markets. They are not thinking about life, but only of money and how to accumulate more capital.”
Read full Reason article here:
Greenpeace director to visit Peru to apologise for ‘crass’ stunt on sacred Nazca lines
…U.S. Spending Bill Blocks Obama’s UN Climate $Billions…