New paper finds sea levels rose up to 8 times faster & to much higher levels during the last 5 interglacials

New paper finds sea levels rose up to 8 times faster & to much higher levels during the last 5 interglacials

A paper published today in Nature Communications finds sea levels naturally rose up to 5.5 meters [18 feet] per century during 5 prior interglacial periods. In addition, the authors finds interglacials “with close to the modern amount of ice on Earth, show rates sea level rise of up to 1 to 1.5 metres per century,” which is about 8 times faster than sea levels are rising today with the same levels of ice on Earth [i.e. less than 7 inches per century without acceleration]. Further, in a prior paper by the same authors and using the same data, the authors state that today’s sea levels are well within the levels expected from natural variability and that natural variability alone could account for 25 meters more sea level rise than the present: “Regardless of the uncertainties surrounding the use of any one of the specific scenarios in Fig. 2, it is clear that equilibrium sea level for the present-day [CO2] of 387 ppmv resides within a broad range between 0 and +25 (±5) meters.” and show sea levels during at least 4 prior interglacials over the past 500,000 years were higher than during the present interglacial period [up to 31 feet higher during the last interglacial alone]. Thus, there is no evidence that the [decelerating] sea level rise over the past ~20,000 years is unusual, unprecedented, or unnatural. The same data in a prior paper from the same authors shows sea levels during at least 4 prior interglacials were higher than during the present interglacial [at left side of graph]. Green crosses in second graph from top show relative sea level highstand mean and uncertainty. Study finds global sea levels rose up to five meters per century at the end of the last five ice age cycles September 25th, 2014 in Earth / Earth Sciences Credit: Tiago Fioreze / Wikipedia Land-ice decay at the end of the last five ice-ages caused global sea-levels to rise at rates of up to 5.5 metres per century, according to a new study. [5.5 meters/century is 31 times faster than current sea level rise] An international team of researchers developed a 500,000-year record of sea-level variability, to provide the first account of how quickly sea-level changed during the last five ice-age cycles. The …

New paper finds global temperature data trend prior to 1950’s ‘meaningless’ & ‘artificially flattened’

New paper finds global temperature data trend prior to 1950’s “meaningless” & “artificially flattened”

A correspondence published today in Nature Climate Change is a damning indictment ofthe updated HADCRUT global temperature database, which is used as the basis of all of the other land-based temperature databases including GISS and BEST. The correspondence demolishes the claim of Ji et al that “the global climate has been experiencing significant warming at an unprecedented pace in the past century” as well as the reliability of the HADCRU database to determine global temperature trends of the past 164 years. According to the authors, conclusions about global temperature change cannot be reliably determined prior to the 1950’s due to the poor spatiotemporal coverage prior to the 1950’s and trends determined from the early HADCRU data are “meaningless and “artificially flattened.” Likewise, all climate model “tuning” based on the “meaningless” global temperature trends prior to the 1950’s are therefore “meaningless” GIGO as well. According to the authors, Ji et al present a methodology to analyse global (excluding Antarctica) spatiotemporal patterns of temperature change, using mean monthly temperatures obtained from the updated Climate Research Unit (CRU) high-resolution gridded climate database. Their analysis fails to take into account several key characteristics of the CRU database, seriously compromising the conclusions regarding the spatiotemporal patterns of global warming during the twentieth century. Consequently, the temporal auto-correlation of such time series is artificially high, and the climatic variability they portray for the early decades of the record is meaningless. “…strongly suggests the absence of a trend over the first half of the 20th century in many tropical and Arctic regions can be attributed to the lack of climatic information and the corresponding flattened time series…” “…we suggest that it is very likely that the spatiotemporal temperature patterns described in Ji et al are strongly contaminated by the spatial and temporal heterogeneities of the CRU database.” “…this problem affects the whole analysis.” “artificially flattened trends in the early 20th century will reflect slower warming trends than observed trends in the latter 20th century.” [i.e. imply false acceleration] “If the aim is global coverage, the optimal period should not start before the 1950’s, although this would compromise the authors’ aim to capture long-term trends.” Excerpts from the Nature Climate Change, followed by 2 posts from, which illustrate the problems the authors are referring to in the HADCRU record, such as Phil …

New paper finds global dimming & brightening were due to natural changes in cloud cover, not man-made aerosols – Published in the Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

New paper finds global dimming & brightening were due to natural changes in cloud cover, not man-made aerosols

A new paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres find that “changes in cloud cover rather than anthropogenic aerosols emissions played the major role in determining solar dimming and brightening during the last half century and that there are reasons to suppose that these findings may have wider relevance.” The wider relevance is that the well-known global dimming of the 1970’s ice age scare, followed by the global brightening to the end of the 20th century were largely if not entirely due to natural changes in cloud cover, potentially mediated by the solar/cosmic ray/cloud amplification mechanism of climate change. Further, since this study and another recent study on volcanic aerosols greatly diminish the assumed aerosol forcing on climate [cooling], this means that the role of man-made CO2 forcing on climate must also be reduced by the same amount to maintain so-called “radiative balance.” Thus, the climate sensitivity to CO2 must be much less than previously believed. The rate of warming increased by a factor of 3.8 from 1992 to 2002 corresponding to the period of “global brightening,” and was followed by global cooling and a “pause” or possible “dimming” of solar surface radiation. Related: Three new studies demonstrate climate sensitivity to CO2 is very low The cause of solar dimming and brightening at the Earth’s surface during the last half century: Evidence from measurements of sunshine durationGerald Stanhill*, Ori Achiman, Rafael Rosa and Shabtai CohenAnalysis of the Angstrom-Prescott relationship between normalized values of global radiation and sunshine duration measured during the last 50 years made at five sites with a wide range of climate and aerosol emissions showed few significant differences in atmospheric transmissivity under clear or cloud-covered skies between years when global dimming occurred and years when global brightening was measured, nor in most cases were there any significant changes in the parameters or in their relationships to annual rates of fossil fuel combustion in the surrounding 1° cells. It is concluded that at the sites studied changes in cloud cover rather than anthropogenic aerosols emissions played the major role in determining solar dimming and brightening during the last half century and that there are reasons to suppose that these findings may have wider relevance.

— gReader Pro…

Warmist Professors: Global Warming Created ISIS – ‘Formed because of a severe drought in Syria from 2006-2010’

Latest Climate Idiocy: Global Warming Created ISIS

In recent weeks the Obama administration has blamed President Bush and/or the intelligence community for the creation of ISIS, others have blamed President Obama and his reluctance to get involved in another Middle East conflict, but apparently both positions are wrong. According to a recent article in the Huffington Post, the reason why ISIS was able to form and grow so fast was global warming (note: do not check your calendar it’s September not April fools day they really believe this).The authors of the piece; Charles B. Strozier Professor of History, t The City University of New York; and Kelly A. Berkell Attorney and research associate, Center on Terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice believe that ISIS formed because of a severe drought in Syria from 2006-2010 and that drought happened because of—you guessed it—Climate Change.As the Obama administration undertakes a highly public, multilateral campaign to degrade and destroy the militant jihadists known as ISIS, ISIL and the Islamic State, many in the West remain unaware that climate played a significant role in the rise of Syria’s extremists. A historic drought afflicted the country from 2006 through 2010, setting off a dire humanitarian crisis for millions of Syrians. Yet the four-year drought evoked little response from Bashar al-Assad’s government. Rage at the regime’s callousness boiled over in 2011, helping to fuel the popular uprising. In the ensuing chaos, ISIS stole onto the scene, proclaimed a caliphate in late June and accelerated its rampage of atrocities including the recent beheadings of three Western civilians.While ISIS threatens brutal violence against all who dissent from its harsh ideology, climate change menaces communities (less maliciously) with increasingly extreme weather.The drought that preceded the current conflict in Syria fits into a pattern of increased dryness in the Mediterranean and Middle East, for which scientists hold climate change partly responsible. Affecting 60 percent of Syria’s land, drought ravaged the country’s northeastern breadbasket region; devastated the livelihoods of 800,000 farmers and herders; and knocked two to three million people into extreme poverty. Many became climate refugees, abandoning their homes and migrating to already overcrowded cities. They forged temporary settlements on the outskirts of areas like Aleppo, Damascus, Hama and Homs. Some of the displaced settled in Daraa, where protests in early 2011 fanned out and eventually ignited a full-fledged war.Although I am not a climate scientist (actually …