‘Funny Business’: Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. ridicules Bloomberg, Steyer & Paulson’s ‘Risky Business’ climate report:
Background on ‘Risky Business’ climate report:
‘Data from observation says global cooling. The physical model says it has to be warming’
…Climate NONSENSUS: John Cook quietly walks back 97% consensus claim w/new downgraded 90% consensus claim
…Shock News: Maldives to be underwater in four years
…Magic Gas: AGW increases winds – AGW decreases winds
…NYT: ‘The warming of the earth’s surface has slowed sharply over recent years…scientists have been struggling to explain it’
…Study: History of cultural bias has led to a lack of diversity at liberal green groups
A report released last month said the nation’s large, powerful and decidedly liberal green groups have failed to keep pace with the nation’s expanding minority populations and remain overwhelmingly white.
Minorities represent nearly 40 percent of Americans, yet account for fewer than 16 percent of workers at the government agencies, nongovernmental organizations called NGOs and foundations that were studied.…
EPA Faces Lawsuit to Force Airline Carbon Emissions Curbs
Report: Bill Nye, Al Gore Get The Physics Of Global Warming Wrong