Sea Ice Update April 20 2014 – Global Sea Ice 1.05 million sq km Above Normal – Antarctic Sea Ice 42nd Daily Record

Sea Ice Update April 20 2014 – Global Sea Ice 1.05 million sq km Above Normal – Antarctic Sea Ice 42nd Daily Record

Happy Easter!
A quick update for sea ice extent:

Global Sea Ice Extent is 1,054,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean.
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is 1,673,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 mean. That is the 42nd daily record for 2014.
Arctic Sea Ice Extent is -620,000 sq km below the 1981-2010 mean.

Data here. Graphs below. Click for bigger.


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In the 1970’s, The Polar Vortex Was Caused By Global Cooling.

In the 1970’s, The Polar Vortex Was Caused By Global Cooling.

By Paul Homewood


The claims that the Polar Vortex, that has brought the cold winter in the States and wet weather to Britain, is linked to global warming are based on the theory of a weaker jet stream. The idea is that,as the Arctic warms, the temperature differential between high and mid latitudes decreases. As the jet steam is powered by this differential, the theory goes, the jet stream is liable to turn from a powerful polar or zonal flow to a slower meridional one.
Just imagine a slow moving river, and think of how it meanders in comparison to a fast moving one. The theory sounds superficially attractive, until one realises that such events have occurred regularly in the past.
Back in 1975, C C Wallen, Head of the Special Environmental Applications Division of the World Meteorological Organization, had this to say about the consequences of the cooling trend since 1940:
The principal weather change likely to accompany the cooling trend is increased variability-alternating extremes of temperature and precipitation in any given area-which would almost certainly lower average crop yields.
During cooler climatic periods the high-altitude winds are broken up into irregular cells by weaker and more plentiful pressure centers, causing formation of a “meridional circulation” pattern. These small, weak cells may stagnate over vast areas for many months, bringing unseasonably cold weather on one side and unseasonably warm weather on the other. Droughts and floods become more frequent and may alternate season to season, as they did last year in India. Thus, while the hemisphere as a whole is cooler, individual areas may alternately break temperature and precipitation records at both extremes.
And he even gave us these diagrams.
Now, Wallen may have been right about the causes, or he might have been wrong. But what is clear is that the existence of similar jet stream conditions 40 years ago utterly discredits the theory that they now have something to do with global warming.
Unfortunately, today’s tabloid climatologists are so fixated on the idea that CO2 is the cause of everything nasty, that they don’t seem to want to learn from the past.
It’s rather sad really.

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Indian Climate Experts Slam Latest IPCC Report

Indian Climate Experts Slam Latest IPCC Report

Climate policy experts from India have greeted the release of the latest report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with ire.
The draft report, a summary of which was released in Berlin, Germany, this week (13 April), is written by the IPCC’s third working group, which focuses on climate change mitigation. The draft is part of the panel’s fifth assessment report (AR5) and will be incorporated into its synthesis report — a revised collection of the reports from all three working groups, due to be approved in October.
It suggests that the best way to avoid catastrophic climate change is by employing a mix of technologies — including carbon capture and storage (CCS), and nuclear and renewable power — while also reducing global use of consumables such as fossil fuels.
Without mitigation, average global surface temperatures will increase by 3.7 to 4.8 degrees Celsius by 2100 compared with preindustrial levels, it warns, making it clear that taking action now would be wise.
Yet the report has met with a mixed reception from experts. Climate policy analysts from developing countries tell SciDev.Net that the report downplays the responsibilities of rich countries for greenhouse gas emissions and fails to take proper account of the needs of developing nations when recommending mitigation measures.
Two big problems
Shreekant Gupta, coordinating lead author for the report’s chapter on integrated risk and uncertainty, and an economist at the University of Delhi, tells SciDev.Net that he finds the summary report “problematic”.
“The rules of the game are loaded against developing countries.”
First, it “shifts the focus of the emissions timeline to recent decades, emphasising the rises in emissions over the last 40 years and diluting the focus on historical emissions” made by rich countries, says Gupta.
Because the report focuses on rates of increase in emissions, developing nations are presented as the worst offenders, when many actually still contribute little to global emissions, he says. Neither does the report break down countries’ emissions per person or by GDP (gross domestic product).
Second, Gupta says, the report ignores the issue of how technology can be transferred to developing countries — without tech transfer advanced technologies such as CCS will remain an option only for rich countries.
Biased sources?
Martin Khor, executive director of the Switzerland-based South Centre, an intergovernmental policy analysis organisation of developing countries, says the …