Bjorn Lomborg: ‘How green policies hurt the poor’ – ‘Cold? Hungry? Short of cash? You can always eat carbon credits’

Yet most Westerners still want to focus on putting up more inefficient solar panels in the developing world. But this infatuation inflicts a real cost. A recent analysis from the Centre for Global Development shows that $10 billion invested in such renewables would help lift 20 million people in Africa out of poverty. It sounds impressive, until you learn that if this sum was spent on gas electrification it would lift 90 million people out of poverty. So in choosing to spend that $10 billion on renewables, we deliberately end up choosing to leave more than 70 million people in darkness and poverty.

In the West, we take our supply of electricity for granted. After a century, we’ve forgotten that plentiful, affordable and dependable energy is the lifeblood of modern civilisation and prosperity. Discussions about saving the world seldom acknowledge the 1.3 billion people living without any electricity whatsoever. Their problems seem otherworldly to us — and we neglect the fact that the same sort of access to cheap electricity would substantially improve their lives. When it comes to helping the world’s poor, a topic like climate change seems to interest the West far more than such mundane matters as helping them power their houses.…

Another Prominent Scientist Dissents! Fmr. NASA Scientist Dr. Les Woodcock ‘Laughs’ at Global Warming – ‘Global warming is nonsense’ Top Prof. Declares

Another Scientist Dissents! Fmr. NASA scientist Dr. Les Woodcock ‘Laughs’ at Global Warming – Top Prof. Declares: ‘Global warming is nonsense’

Emeritus Professor Chemical Thermodynamics Dr. Leslie Woodcock of the University of Manchester’s School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science and a former NASA researcher, dissented on man-made global warming. Woodcock declared there was “professional misconduct by Government advisors around the world” when it comes to man-made climate change claims. Woodcock, who received his PhD from the University of London, (Full Bio here – [email protected]) is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, a founding editor of Molecular Simulation, and a recipient of a Max Planck Society Visiting Fellowship, has more than 70 published journal papers, explained: “The theory of ‘man-made climate change’ is an unsubstantiated hypothesis’ —  water is a much more powerful greenhouse gas and there is is 20 time more of it in our atmosphere (around one per cent of the atmosphere) whereas CO2 is only 0.04%  — ‘Carbon dioxide has been made out to be some kind of toxic gas but the truth is it’s the gas of life. We breath it out, plants breath it in. The green lobby has created a do-good industry and it becomes a way of life, like a religion.”

Woodcock continued: “The temperature of the earth has been going up and down for millions of years, if there are extremes, it’s nothing to do with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it’s not permanent and it’s not caused by us. Global warming is nonsense.”

“If you talk to real scientists who have no political interest, they will tell you there is nothing in global warming. It’s an industry which creates vast amounts of money for some people.

“The reason records seem to be being frequently broken is simply because we only started keeping them about 100 years ago. There will always be some record broken somewhere when we have another natural fluctuation in weather.

“Its absolutely stupid to blame floods on climate change.

“This is not the way science works. If you tell me that you have a theory there is a teapot in orbit between the earth and the moon, its not up to me to prove it does not exist, its up to you to provide the reproducible scientific evidence for your theory. Such evidence for the man-made climate change theory has not been …

Bjorn Lomborg: ‘The rich world generates just 0.8% of its energy from solar and wind, far from meeting even minimal demand’

Yet most Westerners still want to focus on putting up more inefficient solar panels in the developing world. But this infatuation inflicts a real cost. A recent analysis from the Centre for Global Development shows that $10 billion invested in such renewables would help lift 20 million people in Africa out of poverty. It sounds impressive, until you learn that if this sum was spent on gas electrification it would lift 90 million people out of poverty. So in choosing to spend that $10 billion on renewables, we deliberately end up choosing to leave more than 70 million people in darkness and poverty.

In the West, we take our supply of electricity for granted. After a century, we’ve forgotten that plentiful, affordable and dependable energy is the lifeblood of modern civilisation and prosperity. Discussions about saving the world seldom acknowledge the 1.3 billion people living without any electricity whatsoever. Their problems seem otherworldly to us — and we neglect the fact that the same sort of access to cheap electricity would substantially improve their lives. When it comes to helping the world’s poor, a topic like climate change seems to interest the West far more than such mundane matters as helping them power their houses.…

Green Guru James Lovelock on Climate Change: ‘I don’t think anybody really knows what’s happening. They just guess’ – Lovelock Reverses Himself on Global Warming

Update: Another Prominent Scientist Dissents! Fmr. NASA Scientist Dr. Les Woodcock ‘Laughs’ at Global Warming – ‘Global warming is nonsense’ Top Prof. Declares – Asserts ‘professional misconduct by Government advisors around the world’ ]

Green Guru James Lovelock laments modern green movement: ‘We never intended a fundamentalist Green movement that rejected all energy sources other than renewable’

Green guru and geophysicist James Lovelock, considered one of the pioneering scientists of the 20th century, has officially turned his back on man-made global warming claims and the green movement’s focus on renewable energy. Lovelock conceived the Gaia theory back in the 1970s, describing the Earth’s biosphere as “an active, adaptive control system able to maintain the earth in homeostasis.”

In an April 2, 2014 BBC TV interview, Lovelock has come out swinging at his fellow environmentalists, accusing the new UN IPCC global warming report of plagiarizing his now retracted climate claims from his 2006 book ‘The Revenge of Gaia.’

“The last IPCC report is very similar to the (now retracted) statements I made in my book about 8 years ago, called The Revenge of Gaia. It’s almost as if they’ve copied it,” Lovelock told BBC Newsnight television program on April 3.

BBC interviewer Jeremy Paxman noted to Lovelock during the April 2 program:  “Sure. But you then, after publishing these apocalyptic predictions, you then retracted them.”

The newly skeptical Lovelock responded: “Well, that’s my privilege. You see, I’m an independent scientist. I’m not funded by some government department or commercial body or anything like that. If I make a mistake, then I can go public with it. And you have to, because it is only by making mistakes that you can move ahead.”

Lovelock dismissed the entire basis for global warming concerns in his BBC television interview. “Take this climate matter everybody is thinking about. They all talk, they pass laws, they do things, as if they knew what was happening. I don’t think anybody really knows what’s happening. They just guess. And a whole group of them meet together and encourage each other’s guesses,” Lovelock explained.

A UN Lead Author, Dr. Richard Tol, joined Lovelock this week in slamming the UN and had his name removed from the IPCC report. See: UN IPCC LEAD AUTHOR Dr. Richard Tol rips IPCC: ‘The idea that climate change poses an existential threat to humankind is laughable’

Other reactions to the UN report echoed Tol. See: Pre-Determined ‘Science’: Round Up of New UN IPCC Report: Human Extinction? IPCC at ‘beck and call’ of Govts –

Cold Winters Caused By Natural Variability, Study Finds

Met Office Wrong Again? Cold Winters Caused By Natural Variability, Study Finds

Resurgence of cold winters in Europe and the US is mainly due to natural climate variability, new study finds.
Melting Arctic sea ice has been a prime suspect for causing the extreme winter cold experienced by North America and Europe in recent years. Now, researchers from the US, reckon that the natural temperature variation in the North Atlantic Ocean – or Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) – could also play a role.

AMO and cold spells
Sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic tend to move through warm periods followed by cold periods, in a 60–70 year cycle known as the AMO. The ocean entered a warm – or positive – phase in the late 1990s.
Yannick Peings and Gudrun Magnusdottir of the University of California Irvine, US, believe that these warmer ocean temperatures can nudge the atmospheric circulation pattern known as the North Atlantic Oscillation into its negative phase. This is likely to cause colder-than-normal temperatures in the northern hemisphere in winter as it moves the North Atlantic jet stream and storm track south.
“Our study contributes to the growing debate about the link between Arctic sea ice loss and mid-latitude weather extremes,” Yannick Peings of the University of California Irvine, US, told environmentalresearchweb. “We find that the occurrence of the extreme events that has been attributed to Arctic warming only is actually promoted by the positive polarity of the AMO, especially over Europe and the eastern US. This suggests that the resurgence of cold winters over these regions is consistent with natural climate variability and is not simply a result of global change.”
The team reckons that the warmer sea surface temperatures associated with a positive phase of the AMO affect the NAO by shifting the atmospheric baroclinic zone over the North Atlantic basin. (The AMO may also alter atmospheric circulation indirectly by causing sea ice loss.) The warmer ocean takes 10–15 years to boot the North Atlantic Oscillation into its negative phase; it’s not yet clear why.
The findings have important implications for the decadal prediction of climate, according to Peing. “The AMO is an important source of predictability for winter climate of the North Atlantic sector,” he said. “For example, provided that the AMO remains in its positive polarity for one to two additional decades, cold and snowy weather conditions in winter should be …

Bill McKibben Gets It Right For Once! Warmists should go ‘on strike’: ‘We keep being told ‘the science is settled’, so why is there any more need to throw billions into more research?’

Weepy Bill Gets It Right For Once!

By Paul Homewood
For once, it seems, Weepy Bill McKibben has made a sensible suggestion:
So at this point it’s absurd to keep asking the scientific community to churn out more reports. In fact, it might almost be more useful if they went on strike: until you pay attention to what we’ve already told you, we won’t be telling you more. Work with what you’ve got.
Without realising it, he has actually hit the nail on the head. We keep being told “the science is settled”, so why is there any more need to throw billions into more research?
Unfortunately, when there are such lavish grants on offer, I somehow don’t think many “scientists” will be taking him up on his offer!

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