Watch Now: Morano on Fox News w/ Neil Cavuto on UN IPCC report: ‘It’s nothing more than pre-determined science’ – ‘When current reality fails to scare people, they make more and more scary predictions’


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Related Links:

Climate Porn & Pre-Determined ‘Science’: Round Up of New UN IPCC Report: Human Extinction? IPCC at ‘beck and call’ of Govts – UN Officials Predicted Alarming Report Years Ago

Sec. of State John Kerry: Kerry on UN climate report: ‘Costs of inaction are catastrophic’ – ‘Unless we act dramatically and quickly, science tells us our climate and our way of life are literally in jeopardy’

Climate Depot’s Round up Debunking Global Warming/National Security claims – Sen. John Kerry as Sec. Of State?! Be Afraid, Kerry’s Poor Understanding of Climate Science Poses Threat to U.S. National Security – Kerry has called Global Warming the Next 9/11 & Has Equated Soviet Nuclear warheads & Iranian Nukes to threat of Global Warming

Flashback: Debunked: the ‘climate change causes wars’ myth –Peer-reviewed paper ‘thoroughly eviscerates’ climate war claims — ‘The primary causes of civil war are political, not environmental’

Flashback: ‘A total takedown’ of myth by the Center for Strategic and International Studies — ‘Since the dawn of civilization, warmer eras have meant fewer wars

More  debunking  here.

UN IPCC analysis: ‘Witch doctors shake medicine sticks, warn of climate apocalypse to come’

Sec. of State John Kerry: ‘Read this report and you can’t deny the reality: unless we act dramatically and quickly, science tells us our climate and our way of life are literally in jeopardy.’

In other words: don’t think, panic.  And if you insist on thinking, well, maybe it’s time you were packed off to a camp where “deniers” can be concentrated, until their minds are put right.…