Global warming professor Kevin Anderson ‘cuts back on washing and showering’ to fight climate change – Admits at UN climate summit: ‘That is why I smell’ – Defends his call for ‘a planned economic recession’

Update: Warmist Kevin Anderson, who advocates ‘planned recessions’ and cut back on his showering, tells UN climate summit: ‘Nations should give up growth obsession’ – Focus instead on ‘health and food and shelter’  – Anderson: ‘Industrialized countries need a 70% reduction in emissions consumption in 10 years to give us an outside chance of holding temperatures to a 2C rise. They need to cut emissions by 10% annually.’


WARSAW, Poland — Kevin Anderson, a professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of Manchester and Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in the UK, acknowledged in an interview at the UN climate summit in Warsaw that he has made personal hygiene changes in his life in order to help fight global warming and he defended his advocacy of “a planned economic recession’ in order to fight climate change.

Anderson was confronted with his 2012 comments that he was going to do his part to reduce emissions by reducing his amount of bathing and showering.

“I’ve cut back on washing and showering – but only to levels that were the norm just a few years back,” Anderson ([email protected]wrote on October 1, 2012.

“I’ve done without a fridge for 12 years, but recently relented and joined the very small proportion of the world’s population that has a fridge – this I may have to reverse!”

Anderson added: “I haven’t flown for almost eight years – and that will have to continue. I have halved the distance I drive each year and have significantly changed how I drive.”

Anderson was confronted with questions about his personal bathing habits in a contentious interview with Climate Depot’s Marc Morano at the UN climate summit in Warsaw on November 19, following a press conference featuring global warming skeptics. [See: Climate Depot’s Morano At UN Press Conference in Warsaw Denounces Exploitation of Typhoon to ‘an unappreciative audience’: Morano ‘compared the belief that policy can change the weather to ‘medieval witchcraft’]

Anderson conceded that he has cut back on his personal hygiene after Morano read aloud to him his 2012 quotes.

“That is why I smell, yes,” Anderson told Climate Depot.

Morano then asked Anderson: “And you really believe that [not bathing] is going to help people avoid typhoons?

“I think you misunderstand the point, I do not believe it would help as an individual,” Anderson …

Climate Depot’s Morano At UN Press Conference in Warsaw Denounces Exploitation of Typhoon to ‘an unappreciative audience’: Morano ‘compared the belief that policy can change the weather to ‘medieval witchcraft’

[Reprint from E&E – November 19, 2013 – subscription required]

Excerpt: Conservatives pan Philippines negotiator at warming conference

Jean Chemnick, E&E reporter

Published: Tuesday, November 19, 2013

WARSAW, Poland — The Philippines and its lead negotiator have become folk heroes of the United Nations climate change summit, now in its second week at Poland’s national soccer stadium. Having weathered a devastating typhoon that has left thousands dead, the island nation has become the poster child for an ominous new reality that the talks aim to avoid. But climate skeptic and blogger Marc Morano sees things differently. He had sharp words today for Philippines lead negotiator Yeb Sano, who has pledged not to eat until the conference yields a “meaningful agreement” that might shield other countries from natural disasters like Typhoon Haiyan.”There’s a level of deep exploitation going on, and the U.N. is allowing this and media is feeding this, as if a U.N. treaty is going to prevent future supertyphoons from hitting,” Morano said to an unappreciative audience in one of the stadium’s makeshift conference rooms.

Sano said his action was inspired by concern for his family, which was still coping with Haiyan as he left for the conference. Many other delegates here have stopped eating in solidarity. But Morano, a former aide to Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), compared the belief that policy can change the weather to “medieval witchcraft.” “This is supposed to be the modern age,” he said. He also panned the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — the U.N. climate science body that warned there’s growing certainty that man-made climate change is occurring — as a front for international bureaucrats.

“They don’t want you to know that these are political statements issued by a small group of scientists and designed to create the illusion of consensus,” he said.

Morano also praised Australia — treated by most conference attendees as a villain for not sending a minister to the talks and starting work to repeal its carbon tax. The United States, he said, would follow Australia’s lead after the next presidential election.

Morano has attended the last several conferences of the parties (COPs) to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, and this year was modest in comparison. He and Lord Christopher Monckton jumped out of an airplane two years ago in Durbin, South Africa.

Monckton was escorted out of last year’s meeting in Doha, Qatar, after posing …

Climate Depot’s Morano & Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham featured at ‘a UN-sanctioned press conference’ at UN Climate Summit in Warsaw, Poland: Skeptics Met By Hostile UN Crowd, told their skeptical views are ‘bullshit’ asked ‘How do you sleep at night?’ – Morano congratulates Australia for pulling out of UN climate talks

Via warmist website

Related Links: 

Climate Depot’s Morano & Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham featured at ‘a UN-sanctioned press conference’ at UN Climate Summit in Warsaw, Poland: Skeptics Met By Hostile UN Crowd, told their sketpical views are ‘bullshit’ asked ‘How do you sleep at night?’ – Morano congratulates Australia for pulling out of UN climate talks

UN Climate Summit Rejects Its Own Science – Links Typhoon Haiyan to Global Warming – UN Summit Degenerates Into Unscientific Claims to Advance Political Agenda – Climate Depot Special Report

Global warming professor Kevin Anderson ‘cuts back on washing and showering’ to fight climate change: ‘That is why I smell’ — Anderson also defended his advocacy of ‘a planned economic recession’ to combat man-made global warming


UN Climate Summit Rejects Its Own Science – Links Typhoon Haiyan to Global Warming – UN Summit Degenerates Into Unscientific Claims to Advance Political Agenda – Climate Depot Special Report

[UpdatesClimate Depot’s Morano At UN Press Conference in Warsaw Denounces Exploitation of Typhoon to ‘an unappreciative audience’: Morano ‘compared the belief that policy can change the weather to ‘medieval witchcraft’

Climate Depot’s Morano & Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham featured at ‘a UN-sanctioned press conference’ at UN Climate Summit in Warsaw 

Professor calls for ‘a planned economic recession’ to combat global warming –  Also admits ‘cutting back on washing and showering’ to fight climate change –‘That is why I smell’]

WARSAW – The United Nations global warming summit in Warsaw has contorted its own science reports in an attempt to claim that Tyhpoon Haiyan/Yolanda was a result of man-made global warming. The UN’s 19th session of the Conference of the Parties, being held in Warsaw Poland, is exploiting the tragedy in the Philippines in order to advance the UN’s political agenda.

Climate Depot’s Special Report includes the latest scientific studies, analyses, including the UN IPCC’s own report, which counters the UN climate summit’s claims about Typhoons and extreme weather.


UN head Ban Ki-moon says Typhoon Haiyan due to climate change – ‘We have seen now what has happened in the Philippines. It is an urgent warning. An example of changed weather and how climate change is affecting all of us on Earth.’

Philippines lead negotiator at UN climate summit in Warsaw puts the blame for typhoon on global warming – ‘Yeb Sano announces he will not eat during the conference, until a meaningful agreement has been achieved’

Jeffrey Sachs,  Special Advisor to UN Sec.-General Ban Ki-moon,  tweeted on Nov. 10 that ‘Climate liars like Rupert Murdoch & Koch Brothers have more & more blood on their hands as climate disasters claim lives across the world.’

Typhoon Fuels Call for Global Warming Compensation Funds at UN Summit – Poor nations ‘blame countries that industrialized 200 years ago for damaging the atmosphere’ – Bloomberg News: ‘Some 130 countries, including islands concerned they’ll disappear with rising sea levels, are pushing for reparations as part of a “loss and damage” mechanism at United Nations climate talks in Warsaw this week. They blame countries that industrialized 200 years ago for damaging the atmosphere.’

Religious Claim: Repent Ye Sinners to Stop Bad Weather! Wash Post features theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite urging us to ‘repent’ for our ‘sin’ of causing Typhoon Haiyan due to the ‘moral evil of climate change denial’