Peer Reviewed Study: Saving Pandas From Extinction – Higher CO2 Levels Increase Their Dwindling Food Supply

Peer Reviewed Study: Saving Pandas From Extinction – Higher CO2 Levels Increase Their Dwindling Food Supply

Increasing levels of CO2 benefit the world’s entire biosphere. The scientific research confirming that is extensive. More specifically, the very endangered giant pandas are at risk because of dwindling food supplies and wild habitat loss. Higher levels of CO2 enhance…

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Warmist ‘consensus’ found to be just a PR campaign: Climategater admits Cook paper ‘a damp squib’

Warmist ‘consensus’ found to be just a PR campaign: Climategater admits Cook paper ‘a damp squib’

Andrew Montford writes at the Australian: N recent months it has been stated repeatedly that 97 per cent of scientists agree global warming is real and man-made. These claims are based on a paper published by a team led by John Cook in the journal Environmental Research Letters. The authors, all associated with controversial global […]

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Wrong: In 2007, Al Gore Predicted Arctic Summer Ice Could Disappear In 2013 — Off by 920,000 square miles!

Wrong: Al Gore Predicted Arctic Summer Ice Could Disappear In 2013 — Off by 920,000 square miles! reports: A 2007 prediction that summer in the North Pole could be “ice-free by 2013” that was cited by former Vice President Al Gore in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech has proven to be off… by 920,000 square miles. Read more……

New paper relates natural 60 year climate cycle to the effects of solar activity and cosmic rays

New paper relates natural 60 year climate cycle to the effects of solar activity and cosmic rays

A paper published today in Advances in Space Research finds a possible reason why the effects of solar activity and galactic cosmic rays on the lower atmospheric circulation can vary over time, due to a 60-year natural cycle of the stratospheric polar vortex. According to the authors, “∼60-year oscillations of the amplitude and sign of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects on the troposphere pressure …are closely related to the state of a cyclonic vortex forming in the polar stratosphere. The intensity of the vortex was found to reveal a roughly 60-year [cycle] affecting the evolution of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the character of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects.” The paper is one of the first to connect the effects of solar activity and GCRs with the well-known 60-year climate cycle.

Stratospheric Polar Vortex as a Possible Reason for Temporal Variations of Solar Activity and Galactic Cosmic Ray Effects on the Lower Atmosphere Circulation

S. Veretenenko, , 
M. Ogurtsov

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Politekhnicheskaya 26, 194021, St.Petersburg, Russia


Possible reasons for a temporal instability of long-term effects of solar activity (SA) and galactic cosmic ray (GCR) variations on the lower atmosphere circulation were studied. It was shown that the detected earlier ∼60-year oscillations of the amplitude and sign of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects on the troposphere pressure at high and middle latitudes (Veretenenko and Ogurtsov, Adv.Space Res., 2012) are closely related to the state of a cyclonic vortex forming in the polar stratosphere. The intensity of the vortex was found to reveal a roughly 60-year periodicity affecting the evolution of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the character of Solar Activity/Galactic Cosmic Ray effects. An intensification of both Arctic anticyclones and mid-latitudinal cyclones associated with an increase of GCR fluxes at minima of the 11-year solar cycles is observed in the epochs of a strong polar vortex. In the epochs of a weak polar vortex SA/GCR effects on the development of baric systems at middle and high latitudes were found to change the sign. The results obtained provide evidence that the mechanism of solar activity and cosmic ray influences on the lower atmosphere circulation involves changes in the evolution of the stratospheric polar vortex.


solar activity; 
galactic cosmic rays; 
the lower atmosphere circulation; 
climate variability

Figures and …

The Climate Science Capitulation Begins…UN IPCC’s Dr. Hans von Storch: “We Definitely Have Seen Less Warming Than Expected”

The Climate Science Capitulation Begins…Hans von Storch: “We Definitely Have Seen Less Warming Than Expected”

Georg Ehring of German Public Radio conducted an interview with climate scientist Professor Hans von Storch, Director of the German Coastal Research Center.
The introductory text before the interview reads as follows:
The Earth has warmed considerably less than expected over the past 15 years days, says Hans von Storch. That may be due to an unforeseeable climate variability, or that CO2′s effect as a greenhouse gas was over-estimated, so says the meteorologist of the Coastal Research Institute.

If anything, this interview shows that German climate science is beginning a slow shift and that warmist scientists starting to come to terms with the real possibility that they have been wrong all these years – possibly very wrong. It also shows that they are admitting that climate is poorly understood. The science in nowhere near understood, let alone settled.
On whether global warming has stopped, Hans von Storch says: “No. We don’t expect that. But it is indeed true that we have seen a considerably reduced warming trend compared to what our climate model scenarios showed over the last 15 years. […] We definitely have seen less warming than we expected.”
On what the cause could be, von Storch says many candidates are possible, and it points to climate variability, which would be natural fluctuations, which is what skeptics have been saying from Day 1. He also says that perhaps the climate sensitivity of CO2 was perhaps “a bit over-estimated“. Hans von Storch even mentions the S-word, claiming that it could have something to do with the sun.
On whether or not it could be the oceans eating up the heat, von Storch says that it’s possible, and that “what is obvious here is that our climate models didn’t anticipate this“.
On if models can still be trusted? von Storch obstinately insists:
Yes, completely. […]. It could be that the climate models are completely okay and that nothing bad can be said about them. But we haven’t put all the ingredients which we believe are important for the future into them.”
A most peculiar statement. Bread without flour is not bread. A climate model that does not take a number of factors into account, or that does not weight them correctly, is not a model you can trust – period. Hans von Storch elaborates further, …

New paper finds glaciers may be advancing in size in Asia

New paper finds glaciers may be advancing in size in Asia

A paper published today in The Cryosphere studies 136 glaciers in the Karakoram, a large mountain range in Asia, and finds an overall [statistically-insignificant] increase in glacier area since 1989. 

According to the authors, “The area of the investigated glaciers, including the 18 surge-type glaciers identified, showed no significant changes during all studied periods. However, the analysis provides a hint that the overall glacier area slightly decreased until about 1989 (area 1973: 1613.6 ± 43.6 km2; area 1989: 1602.0 ± 33.6 km2) followed by an increase (area 2002: 1609.7 ± 51.5; area 2011: 1615.8 ± 35.5 km2). Although the overall change in area is insignificant, advances in glacier tongues since the end of the 1980s are clearly visible. Detailed estimations of length changes for individual glaciers since the 1970s and for Central Rimo Glacier since the 1930s confirm the irregular retreat and advance.”

The Cryosphere, 7, 1385-1398,

Heterogeneity in glacier response in the upper Shyok valley, northeast KarakoramR. Bhambri1, T. Bolch2,3, P. Kawishwar4, D. P. Dobhal1, D. Srivastava1, and B. Pratap11Centre for Glaciology, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33 GMS Road, Dehradun-248001, India2Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich, Winterthurer Str. 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland3Institut für Kartographie, Technische Universität Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany4Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology, MIG-25, Indrawati Colony, Raipur-492001, IndiaAbstract. Glaciers in the Karakoram show long-term irregular behaviour with comparatively frequent and sudden advances. A glacier inventory of the upper Shyok valley situated in northeast Karakoram has been generated for the year 2002 using Landsat ETM+ and SRTM3 DEM as baseline data for the investigations and subsequent change analysis. The upper Shyok valley contained 2123 glaciers (larger than 0.02 km2 in size) with an area of 2977.9 ± 95.3 km2 in 2002. Out of these, 18 glaciers with an area of 1004.1 ± 32.1 km2showed surge-type behaviour. Change analysis based on Hexagon KH-9 (years 1973 and 1974) and Landsat TM/ETM+ (years 1989, 2002 and 2011) images had to be restricted to a subset of 136 glaciers (covering an area of 1609.7 ± 51.5 km2 in 2002) due to adverse snow conditions. The area of the investigated glaciers, including the 18 surge-type glaciers identified, showed no significant changes during all studied periods. However, the analysis provides a hint that the overall glacier area slightly decreased until about 1989 (area 1973: 1613.6 ± 43.6 km2; area 1989: 1602.0 ± …

Matt Ridley: Real possibility that ‘overall effect of climate change will be positive’

Matt Ridley: Real possibility that “overall effect of climate change will be positive”

The IPCC’s “fifth assessment report”, to be published on September 27, will – quite like its predecessors – be presented as a portender of ominous happenings. However, as Matt Ridley points out, it is quite possible that the overall effect of global warming will be positive:
It is significant because it points to the very real possibility that, over the next several generations, the overall effect of climate change will be positive for humankind and the planet.–

Warming of up to 1.2 degrees Celsius over the next 70 years (0.8 degrees have already occurred), most of which is predicted to happen in cold areas in winter and at night, would extend the range of farming further north, improve crop yields, slightly increase rainfall (especially in arid areas), enhance forest growth and cut winter deaths (which far exceed summer deaths in most places). Increased carbon dioxide levels also have caused and will continue to cause an increase in the growth rates of crops and the greening of the Earth—because plants grow faster and need less water when carbon dioxide concentrations are higher.

Up to two degrees of warming, these benefits will generally outweigh the harmful effects, such as more extreme weather or rising sea levels, which even the IPCC concedes will be only about 1 to 3 feet during this period. 

Yet these latest IPCC estimates of climate sensitivity may still be too high. They don’t adequately reflect the latest rash of published papers estimating “equilibrium climate sensitivity” and “transient climate response” on the basis of observations, most of which are pointing to an even milder warming. This was already apparent last year with two papers—by scientists at the University of Illinois and Oslo University in Norway—finding a lower ECS than assumed by the models. Since then, three new papers conclude that ECS is well below the range assumed in the models. The most significant of these, published in Nature Geoscience by a team including 14 lead authors of the forthcoming IPCC scientific report, concluded that “the most likely value of equilibrium climate sensitivity based on the energy budget of the most recent decade is 2.0 degrees Celsius.” —

Since the last IPCC report in 2007, much has changed. It is now more than 15 years since global average temperature rose significantly. Indeed, the IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri

Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013 — ‘Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record’

Via Real Science


(Follow Climate Depot on Twitter)

Related Links: 

Wrong: In 2007, Al Gore Predicted Arctic Summer Ice Could Disappear In 2013 — Off by 920,000 square miles!

67% Increase In Arctic Ice Extent Since Last Year

Arctic Ice Area Highest In Seven Years – Blows Away The Record For Ice Growth

Flashback 2009: Obama’s Science Adviser Forecasts Arctic Ice Free — Winters

42nd Daily Record of Year for Antarctic Sea Ice Extent – 250,000 sq km of New Ice in 3 Days

Warmists Now Claim they predicted the record Arctic ice gain!— [Warmists] are now in the first stages of their never was a global warming consensus  history rewrite’

Warmists seek to look at ‘the long term trend’ in Arctic ice, as a way to avoid a serious discussion about the 60% increase in ice this year — Rebuttal: ‘The first thing to note is that NSIDC starts their graph at the century maximum in 1979. In the early 1970s, sea ice was much less extensive than later in the decade. If NSIDC included the entire satellite record in their graph, it would look like a sine wave, not a straight line.

‘No Arctic warming for the past eight years, as CO2 has soared past 400 PPM’

Arctic Ice Report: Is The Same Thickness It Was 70 Years Ago: ‘In 1940, Arctic sea ice was two metres thick – which is about the same as now’

Global Sea Ice Extent Anomaly Percent Mean For Year = +0.9%

Twenty-Three Consecutive Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice

UK Daily Mail: ‘Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year with top scientists warning of global COOLING’

Submitted Written Testimony of Climate Depot’s Marc Morano at Congressional Hearing on Climate Change – May 30,2013: ‘The Origins and Response to Climate Change’ — Morano to the U.S. Congress: ‘The scientific reality is that on virtually every claim — from A-Z — the claims of the promoters of man-made climate fears are failing, and in many instances the claims are moving in the opposite direction. The global warming movement is suffering the scientific death of a thousand cuts.’