In 1990, The UN IPCC Just Wasn’t Smart Enough To Know That There Was A ‘Hockey Stick’ Temperature Trend
…1990 UN IPCC Report: No Acceleration Of Sea Level Rise During The 20th Century
…Skeptics attacked (again) as mostly being old white men (gun-toting, homophobic, anti-immigrant, too)
…Warmist Chris Mooney links global warming with firefighter deaths
…Warmists to have sad grieving faces as Death Valley fails to break highest temperature on Earth from 100 years ago — Low CO2 Heatwave
Related Heatwave Links:
Heatwave is not that “historical” according to the National Weather Service. See: ‘Historical’ Heatwave Explained — ‘History is now five years’: National Weather Service: ‘We haven’t seen one like this for several years, probably the mid- to late 2000s’
Despite media and activists blaming global warming for heatwave, Arizona Summers Getting Cooler Since CO2 Hit 350 PPM
Record lows still outpacing record highs for the first half of 2013 in the U.S.
Reality Check: ’75% of the US is below normal temperatures this year’ – Despite current heatwave in the west
Meanwhile there is Freak Cold In The Midwest
EPA Says That The Worst Heat Waves Occurred in The 1930s — According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the 1930s had (by far) the worst heatwaves in US history. ‘Heat waves occurred with high frequency in the 1930s, and these remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record’
1936: Hottest And Coldest Months In US History – ‘February 1936 was the coldest month in US history. July 1936 was the hottest’ — ‘Thousands of people died from the heat that summer. The year was plagued with record heat, cold, drought, fires and floods’
The Arizona Heatwave Of 1974 – Peak Year Of The Global Cooling Scare — ‘From June 11 to July 6 1974, it was over 110F every day except for one. Temperatures reached 116F on 13 days. Peak temperature was 119F on June 23. 1974 was also the peak year of the global cooling scare, the worst tornado outbreak in US history, and the year Darwin, Australia was destroyed by a typhoon.’
Arizona Summers Getting Cooler Since CO2 Hit 350 PPM