‘Game changer’ – Antarctic melt due to warm water, not air temperature
…UK Met Office to hold summit to redefine all weather events as climate (change)!
…PAUL EHRLICH BOMBS AGAIN: ‘In the more than four decades since The Population Bomb was published, the number of people inhabiting the Earth has more than doubled, but the death and poverty rates have dropped, and life expectancy has increased. Not only are we feeding more people than ever before, we’re doing it with less land’
…Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. slams NOAA For Claims of Increasing Extreme Weather: ‘In the US on climate time scales there is no evidence for more hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, drought. Happy to debate this topic with data’
…Here comes the Carbon Tax: Senate Environment panel to take up Sen. Sanders’s carbon tax bill
A Senate panel will begin consideration of a carbon tax bill as part of a broader hearing on climate change in mid-July.
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) told reporters in the Capitol on Thursday that Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) climate bill will surface during that hearing.
Boxer has said she wants to get the legislation to the floorthis summer. But it faces a tough path in the Senate, and is likely dead on arrival in the GOP-controlled House.
While liberal Democrats have revived previously moribund climate change discourse in recent months, Republicans and centrist Democrats have their heels dug in against measures that would hike the cost of fossil fuel energy.
A majority of the Senate — 53 members — voted in March to oppose a carbon tax in an amendment to the nonbinding Senate Democratic budget plan.…
Obama: Government needed to save the planet from global warming
“We’re not going to be able to make those changes solely through a bunch of individual decisions,” Obama said at a June 6 event hosted by Flipboard CEO Mike McCue. “Government is going to have a role to play.”…