Lord Monckton: ‘OVER-POPULATION: ANOTHER NON-PROBLEM’ — ‘The world’s population is getting richer. As we get richer, we have fewer children’…
Prof. Pielke Jr.: ‘From 1850-1989 the US averaged one hurricane landfall every 8 years before July 1st. Since 1990 there have been zero’ …
Epic Fail: Warmist paper Prediction In 2009 – ‘World will warm faster than predicted in next five years, study warns’ — Warming ‘expected to silence global warming skeptics’…
Aussie’s Andrew Bolt:’Remember when doubting a 6 degree rise made you a ‘denier’? Even the alarmists are sounding less alarming’…
New studies on climate sensitivity: ‘The suggestion that Otto is a an outlier – a single paper – is demonstrably nonsense. There are now many papers showing climate sensitivity less than 2°C’…