Coin flip climatology — No Matter The Weather, The Warmists Predicted it! Model says Hawaii will get 2-3 times the number of hurricanes – in contrast to other models saying the opposite…
German Scientist Dr. Hans Von Storch On WGBU: ‘Suffering From Planet-Rescue Fantasies’ — Neil Cavuto of Fox News On Gore: ‘He’s Nuts’…
The Government’s War on Bad Weather: LA Daily News: Carbon Tax To Make You Rich – And Stop Global Warming…
The silence of the Manns: ‘Judith Curry is highlighting a report by Emil Røyrvik of Norwegian outfit SINTEF, which looks at the climate wars in a not unbalanced fashion’…
New paper finds climate models need another 5 to 50 years of research to predict impacts of climate change — Published in Environmental Research Letters…
Consensus: Pew Survey says only 42% say both that climate change is happening AND that it is mostly caused by human activity…
Warmist David Appell: ‘Carbon Bubbles — Who’s Kidding Who?’: ‘No renewables are anywhere near providing the lifestyle we want, and it’s far from clear than any can’…