Climate Scientist Dr. Judith Curry on new ‘Hockey Stick’ paper: ‘I personally don’t see how this analysis says anything convincing about climate variability on the time scale of a century’
Analysis of new ‘Hockey Stick’ paper: ‘The MWP did not completely disappear in this new paper, it turned into a <0.1°C blip colder than 1961- 1990. This is quite curious’
The paper itself said, “…our temperature stack does not fully resolve variability at periods shorter than 2000 years…”
Evaluate a 300-year MWP using methods lacking 300 year resolution and voila! The MWP turns into a blip diminished by the colder periods on each side.
The misinformation highway took the paper’s figure S3 (below) as a spaghetti chart hockey stick of the proxy temperatures. It is not. It shows 1000 Monte Carlo simulations of the 73 data sets, perturbed by inserting random temperature and age calibration errors to establish the blue statistical band in Figure 1B. S3 doesn’t say the last century’s temperature has risen above the Holocene peak. It only says uncertainty about the combined recent paleotemperature has risen.
Marcott neglected to tell NPR his methodology did not recognize ‘fast’ century changes at all–until recent thermometer records were spliced onto the 73 paleosites
Analyses of the Marcott hockey stick: ‘There is no statistically valid resolution to the combined proxy set for anything less than 300-year periods’
‘If we get no warming for another year or two, there will be no school children who have experienced global warming’
Gore predicted NYC flooding? Yes — 185 years after it first happened! — NYC’s 1st storm-related flood occurred 185 years before Al Gore started doing his scary slide shows (1821 HURRICANE)
Study: Tropical forests unexpectedly resilient to climate change: ‘Tropical forests are unlikely to die off as a result of the predicted rise in atmospheric greenhouse gases this century’
What do you get when you mashup a boomerang with a hockey stick? ‘Yet that is the latest new wrinkle in climate change this week’
Shock News: World’s Hottest Temperature Occurred At 300 PPM CO2
Alternate New York Times Headline: ‘Global Warming Saves Civilization’ — ‘Consider what a global ice age would mean. Cincinnati, OH & points north would be under a glacier hundreds of feet thick’
Michael Mann: ‘The disinformation machine finally appears to be going into full gear now to discredit latest study striking a critical blow against the industry-funded climate denial campaign’