Attention, average citizens: If you don’t believe trace amounts of CO2 will cause ‘mass migrations’, you’re allegedly suffering from ‘a massive amount of ignorance’
Australian Heatwave? Not So Unusual After All: The January temperature is not a record ‘or even close to being so, & in most cases higher temps were recorded 50 years or more ago’
Antarctic Sea Ice Minimum Trend Climbing at 140,000 sq km per decade!
Zoologist Dr. Susan J. Crockford: Ten good reasons not to worry about polar bears: ‘Polar bears are a conservation success story. Their numbers have rebounded remarkably since 1973’
Polar bears today are well distributed throughout their available territory, which is a recognized characteristic of a healthy species.
These are all good reasons to feel good about the current status of the polar bear. It is plain to see that these ice-dwelling bears are not currently threatened with extinction due to declining sea ice, despite the hue and cry from activist scientists and environmental organizations. Indeed,because the polar bear is doing so well, those who would like to see polar bears listed as “threatened” depend entirely upon dramatic declines in sea ice prophesied to occur decades from now to make their case.
Weather Channel finds Summer warmer than Winter – due to Global Warming: ‘Just wrong & stupid on so many levels’
Lord Lawson Calls On Sir Paul Nurse To Acknowledge Global Temperature Standstill
Meet CDC’s George Luber: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s ‘associate director for climate change’ – Luber suggests CO2 causes ‘a huge mental toll on people’ [email protected]
Ethiopia suggests means testing the climate talks: Seeks ‘a uniform equation assessing a whether a nation has run out of its ‘atmospheric space’
Fmr. CIA head warmist R. James Woolsey warns of ‘millions upon millions’ of climate refugees
UK Guardian article: Fighting CO2-induced bad weather is like fighting slavery: ‘The climate change abolitionists’