‘Yes! We Should Defund The UN IPCC’: ‘It seems along with 17 years of flat global temps there is some evidence that we are witnessing some cooling on global warming hype & hysteria in DC as well’
Rep. Luetkemeyer strongly objects to UNFCC’s use of IPCC’s suggestions & faulty data to implement a job-killing agenda here in America’
NCAR 1974: Global Cooling And Extreme Weather Is The New Normal (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Australian academics: Democracy should be replaced by ‘elite warrior leadership’ in order to fight global warming
Are we drowning in reusable grocery bags? ‘A cotton bag has to be used 131 times to equal environmental impact of producing one plastic bag’
Australian professor: ‘This whole thing about climate change being responsible for an increase in extreme weather, or natural disasters, is just a fiction really’
1974: NCAR Blamed Bad Weather On Excess Sea Ice — ‘In 1974, NCAR said bad weather was due to excess sea ice. NCAR now says bad weather is due to missing sea ice’
NCAR: National Center for Atmospheric Research
Flashback 2010: UN IPCC’s Pachauri would not admit over a decade without warming when CFACT asked him in Mexico, but admits it now
Are we all OK with eco-terrorists threatening to ‘dismantle’ pipelines in an attempt to prevent CO2-induced bad weather?