Gore calls on Obama to ‘act boldly’ on climate change: Demands immediate push for a carbon tax
Think tank to sue Treasury to make carbon tax proposal emails public
Al Gore: Keystone XL Pipeline is ‘quite literally insane’
A Carbon Tax Cometh?! ‘The carbon-tax crowd is a big tent, bringing together deficit hawks, growth mavens and climate worriers’
Grist Mag’s David Roberts encourages warmists to ‘claim the storm’ for the global warming narrative — ‘It is, ultimately, immoral not to’
EU backs down on airline carbon tax: ‘The Obama admin. objected strongly to the proposal’
Media Climategate Revealed: ‘Green lobby’ decides the BBC’s climate change policy
Update: Grover Norquist called ‘Bonehead of the Day’: ‘Americans for Tax Reform chief Norquist says a carbon tax would not necessarily violate his group’s ‘no-tax’pledge’
Norquist: …There is no conceivable way to add an energy or VAT tax to the burdens taxpayers face that would not violate pledge over time’
Warmists tout climate ‘alarmism’ as patriotic! ‘WANTED: Global Warming Alarmists’
WUWT’s Counter programming to Al Gore’s ‘Dirty Weather Report’ will be on WUWT-TV Live starting Wednesday Nov. 14 at 8PM EST