Will Mann slap on another lawsuit?! Mark Steyn mocks Michael Mann’s claim he ‘was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize’
Mann made global hilarity: ‘The discovery process will be absolutely fantastic. It will be our modern version of the Scopes trial’
Analysis: ‘Will Penn State Ever Learn?’: ‘There is a sad irony in watching what is in my opinion one of the most undeservedly arrogant and disingenuous public figureheads file a lawsuit…’
Michael Mann Sues NRO, Mark Steyn, CEI: ‘To have any chance of prevailing, Mann will have to establish that statements accusing him of scientific dishonesty must…’
Mark Steyn on Mann’s lawsuit against him: ‘I’ll have more to say about this when I’ve stopped laughing’
Heartland Inst. on PBS’ ‘Climate of Doubt’: ‘John Hockenberry spent enough time with ‘skeptics’ to know we are sincere, honest, & effective, but not enough time to learn we are right on the science’
New Record: Seven Years Since A Hurricane Hit Florida
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer slams PBS’ ‘Climate of Doubt’: ‘If a ‘journalistic’ org. cannot even provide some level of objectivity, why shouldtaxpayer be forced to support it?’
Report: Michael Mann Gets ‘Most Biased’ Judge for Key US Global Warming Trial: ‘Judge Natalie Combs-Greene…is rated by Washington lawyers as one of the worst on the circuit’
Analysis: PBS Frontline climate change special cites bogus ‘consensus’