$100 million man — Gore to be govt billionaire?! Al Gore has thrived as green-tech investor — ‘Benefited from more than $2.5 billion in loans, grants and tax breaks’, as part of Obama’s stimulus
Borenstein refutes Gore! Jan 2012 Gore Claim: ‘Scientists expected that as climate change accelerated, Antarctica would be one of the fastest warming areas of planet. This prediction has proven true’
‘In a move of Olympian audacity, Seth Borenstein keeps a straight face and shamelessly shifts to pretending that more Antarctic sea-ice fits their climate change theory’ [email protected]
Borenstein’s article mocked: ‘The oceans are warming, but that now means less sea ice in the Arctic, and more sea-ice in the Antarctic. Of course!’
Borenstein article claim: ‘Computer models have long predicted that Antarctica would not respond as quickly to global warming as other places.’
AP’s Seth Borenstein Antarctic ice article claim: ‘Spreading [sea] ice may be a cockeyed signal of man-made climate change’
Flashback 2009: NASA GISS’ Drew Shindell: ‘It’s hard to think of any situation where increased greenhouse gases would not lead to warming in Antarctica’
Analysis of Seth Borenstein’s Antarctic ice article: Translation: ‘More Ice = Warming and Less Ice = Warming. Our scam wins either way!’ [email protected]
Antarctica Sea Ice theory triggers BS detectors! ‘The continued growth of sea ice in Antarctica has been in direct conflict with the ‘settled science’ climate models for years’
HADCRUT4 V HADCRUT3: ‘The new version (of global temps) increases warming (or rather decreases cooling) since 1998 by 0.09C, a significant amount for a 13 year time span’