The Cyber Bonfire of NASA GISS’s Vanities: Playing email hidey-ho in Hansenland to circumvent FOI laws
2012 Highest September Avg Antarctic Sea Ice of All Time (satellite era): ‘Sea Ice Extent for September 2012 averaged 19.1702 million sq km.
Wacko Discredited Overpopulation guru Paul Ehrlich reveals why everyone laughs at his scientific predictions: Ehrlich: ‘Remember, a vote for lying Mittwit is a vote to kill your grandchildren’
New paper finds global warming is not a threat to humanity & GDP will be highest under the warmest scenario
How sad that the NYT employs this activist! NYT warmist Justin Gillis on trace amounts of carbon dioxide: ‘This is the biggest problem out there…we are already out of time’
S. African Scientist Kelvin Kemm: Glacier melting is not caused by global warming: ‘To melt ice, the temperature has to go up past 0 ºC to at least ‘plus something’
‘Research on various glaciers of the n. & s. hemis- pheres has shown that most of them started their retreat in the mideighteenth century…’
‘These results suggest that climatic changes in the world started during the early to the mideighteenth century.’ This is long before the historical increase in the air’s carbon dioxide (CO2) content could have been involved in the process of their retreat. Hence, it must be concluded that there is no compelling reason to believe that late-twentieth- century global warming has anything to do with glacial retreat.’
Snowfall Records Shattered in Minnesota and North Dakota: ‘Almost double previous record in Grand Forks and other areas’
EPA admits to Court: Human subjects ‘may die’ from air pollution experiments
It isn’t about the climate?! A Case for South Africa’s Carbon Tax — ‘A carbon tax could be one policy instrument to tackle climate change, poverty & unemployment’
STUDY: Electric Cars May Be Twice As Bad For Global Warming As Regular Cars