Don’t Believe The Global Warmists, Major Hurricanes Are Less Frequent: ‘Not a single decade during past 50 years saw an above-avg. number of major hurricanes – not a single decade!’
UN Agrees To Do Nothing On Climate Change, Arranges More Meetings: ‘Bangkok held latest meeting that accomplished nothing & everyone is gearing up annual UN summit in Doha’
Thank You Mr. President! ‘The US is taking a wrecking ball to the climate convention and any hope of stopping run away climate catastrophe’
Apocalyptic Reverend Joe Romm: ‘While we can’t avoid serious global warming at this point, we still have time to avoid ‘Armageddon’ — the end times battle for humanity!’
CO2 Has The Power To Make Scientists Incredibly Stupid: 2000: ‘Snow is a thing of the past’ — 2011: ‘Snow is a thing of the future’ — 2012: ‘Snow is a thing of the past’
Was Stern ‘wrong for the right reasons’ … or just wrong? ‘Should we make ourselves poorer to save the rich of the future some insignificant amount of money…’
Dutch analysis finds wind power is a ‘money pit with virtually no merit of CO2 emission reduction or fossil fuel saving’
Wash Post: ‘Does President Obama really care about global warming?’ — ‘Arguing that Obama is merely better than Republicans on climate change is a nasty sort of compliment’
Warmist Brad Johnson: ‘Pathetic to see how the Dem platform has retreated from the climate threat’
How bad is this paper in ‘Psychological Science’? ‘It’s so bad, questions will be asked at all kinds of levels’