New paper finds solar activity has a strong influence on Arctic winter severity: Published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Sea Levels are barely rising: ‘Sea Levels are barely rising 0 – 3 mm per year according to the NOAA website Tides and Currents’
Meteorologist debunks sea level fears: ‘Based on present rate of sea level rise, which even your article pegs at about 2 millimeters per year, the rise for next century would only be about 8 inches’
Southwest Permanent Drought Continues With 400% Of Normal Precipitation
Study: Carbon tax could raise $1.5 trillion — ‘Potentially giving politicians cover from making politically difficult decisions on taxes and social spending cuts’
Florida sea turtle numbers up, but climate change poses threat: ‘Central Florida beaches are reporting record numbers of loggerhead sea turtle nests’
Run away!!: Key Solyndra figure ‘ran for the exit’ after seeing ABC News cameras on DNC floor
Do as I Say, Not as I Do: ‘Energy Dept preaches energy conservation and efficiency but fails to take advantage of readily available, low-cost opportunities to reduce its energy consumption’
Analysis: ‘Where Did All The CO2 Go?’ — ‘As humans have emitted more carbon dioxide Earth has stepped up its carbon capture’
‘If CO2 emissions were to decline would nature return atmospheric CO2 levels to lower, even preindustrial levels relatively quickly?’
Analysis: History Books can Explain the Recent Record Low of Arctic Sea Ice: Sea ice is melting at moment because N. Atlantic Ocean is in warming phase of…Atlantic multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)’