Michael Mann says lawsuit against National Review is on! Climate Depot responds to Mann and his lawyer’s claims about the Hockey Stick & Climategate

Climate Depot Editorial

Climategate figure and Penn State Professor Michael Mann is threatening to sue National Review for a critical article of Mann and his now infamous “Hockey Stick” temperature graph of Northern Hemisphere temperatures claiming to show unprecedented 20th century warming.

See: National Review Responds to Michael Mann’s lawsuit threat: ‘Get Lost!’ & Michael Mann lawsuit: ‘Does Mann really want to litigate hockey stick in a court of law? Does he in fact want to dig into any of his unscientific behavior in a venue in which he will be under oath…’

Mann’s lawyer John B. Williams of Cozen O’Connor issued the following statement on August 23, 2012.

Excerpt: “The response of the National Review is telling with respect to the issues it did not address. It did not address, or even acknowledge, the fact that Dr. Mann’s research has been extensively reviewed by a number of independent parties, including the National Science Foundation, with never a suggestion of any fraud or research misconduct. It did not address, or even acknowledge, the fact that Dr. Mann’s conclusions have been replicated by no fewer than twelve independent studies. It did not deny the fact that it was aware that Dr. Mann has been repeatedly exonerated of any fraudulent conduct.” (For the complete statement see here.)

Mann added: “We intend to file a lawsuit.” (For more on Mann’s lawyer, see: Michael Mann lawyers up with Tobacco Lawyers! Represented by experienced defamation lawyer John B. Williams who successfully represented R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company)

Climate Depot responds to key points made by Mann’s lawyer John B. Williams in the above statement.

Mann’s lawyer John B. Williams: “…Dr. Mann’s research has been extensively reviewed by a number of independent parties, including the National Science Foundation, with never a suggestion of any fraud or research misconduct’

Climate Depot Response: Mann’s research has been subjected to nearly a decade of intense scrutiny by his colleagues, climate researchers and institutions. See: 2010: Head of UK Royal Statistical Society Prof. David Hand: Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey stick’ graph was exaggerated — ‘The ‘hockey stick’ that became emblematic of the threat posed by climate change exaggerated the rise in temperature because it was created using ‘inappropriate’ methods…would have shown less dramatic results if more reliable techniques had been used to analyze the data’

2009: UN scientists turn on each other: UN Scientist Declares Climategate