Global Warming Is Caused By Non-CO2 Factors Says 2000 NASA Peer Reviewed Paper
Solar Cells Linked to Greenhouse Gases Over 23,000 Times Worse than Carbon Dioxide According to New Book
McKibben cites Climate Depot & Watts as ‘best’ sites: ‘Morano, one of the most skilled political operatives of the age…plays rough, he regularly publishes the email addresses of those he pillories’
Warmist McKibben praises Climate Depot as ‘certified planet wrecker’ — Warns skeptics may be ‘able to claim one of the epic victories in political history – one that will last for geological epochs’
Physicist Dr. Lubos Motl responds to Bill McKibben: ‘The rosy days of his dishonest movement have been counted and that the movement has transformed itself.. to just another annoyance’
UK Register: 1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today — But nobody thought it was a big deal
Are skeptics promoting anti-Semitism?! Warmists’ new claim: ‘Is global warming a major Jewish issue? It should be’ — ‘Israel will be no more if we do not stop global warming in its tracks now’
Watch Now: Lord Monckton talks about the UN’s Rio Earth Summit & Agenda 21
1935 Arctic Russian Ship’s Trip In Perspective: The map shows the ‘2007 record low’ Arctic ice extent, and the red dot indicates where a Russian boat sailed to in 1935 – in ice-free water’
Oops. Gore Effect strikes Sec. Clinton in Arctic: ‘What Hillary actually encountered in Norway – was record cold and a country getting covered with snow in June’