Warmist Brad Johnson: ‘Thanks to @MarcMorano, @JLakely, @LordMonckton for joining our protest against corporate support of climate denial #dropdeniers #iccc7’
Climate Depot’s Morano & Lord Monckton Visit Warmist Protesters at Heartland skeptic conf. in Chicago — Meet protester with ‘a rubber boot on his head’
Obama’s war on coal hits your electric bill: ‘U.S. Energy Info Adm. reported a shocking drop in power sector coal consumption in the first quarter of 2012’
CFACT makes splash on first day of ICCC7: ‘CFACT FACT’S Marc Morano regaled the hundreds of attendees at lunch’
New Study: Source found for missing water in sea-level rise: ‘Human use of water contributes markedly to rising tides’
Satellite Sea Level Fraud – Worse Than It Seems: ‘Nature reports that glacial melt and thermal expansion only cause half of the tiny bit of sea level rise reported by tide gauges’
New research finds carbon sinks ‘have been more than able to keep up with emissions’
UK Guardian Features Climate Depot on Heartland: ‘It certainly raises the cost of doing business when your arch-enemies or a very vocal segment knows what you are up to in every little detail’
UK Guardian warmist Suzanne Goldenberg writes about Heartland conference attendees: ‘Speakers and audience are almost entirely male, white and getting on in years’
NASA Astronauts Announce Second Letter to NASA at Heartland Conference