The U.S. Intense Hurricane Drought: ‘Record-long stretch of no intense hurricane landfalls still continuing’
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Every day now, skeptics are compared to Holocaust deniers & the media yawns’ — MSM Condemns Heartland’s Billboard, Ignores What Alarmists Do Everyday
Letter to Ed in NYT on Hansen: Consensus?! ‘European scientists in the 15th century agreed that the earth was the center of the universe. That didn’t make it true’
Does NASA’s Hansen Ever Look At Actual Data? ‘His claims of permanent drought are not consistent with US drought record, which shows a decrease in drought & increase in wetness since 1895’
Study: Shopping malls prevent animals from escaping global warming: ‘ ‘9% of Western Hemisphere´s mammals are not able to run fast enough in order to flee catastrophic global warming’
Arctic seabirds doing fine despite of ‘global warming’: ‘Little auks, the most common seabirds in the Arctic, are adapting their fishing behavior to warming surface waters in the Greenland Sea’
Global Warming Predicted Hotspot Over Tropics Is Non-Existent: ‘Empirical measurements confirm Hansen’s predicted tropical hotspot has not happened, it’s a ‘coldspot’ instead’
NASA’s Hansen warns of end times! Global warming increasing by ‘equivalent to exploding 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day 365 days per year’
Greenie Grist Mag. laments lack of interest in AGW.: ‘The most critical issue ever to face humanity is getting less attention this election season than dogs’
New paper in journal Weather finds large increase in sunshine since the 1980’s; dwarfs alleged effect of CO2