James Lovelock fallout: Warmists in their ‘Last Days’?!
Too funny: Foaming-at-the-mouth warmist Joe Romm tries to distinguish Gore’s foaming-at-the-mouth warmism from James Lovelock’s now-retracted foaming-at-the-mouth warmism
Climategate’s Michael Mann rips Climate Depot: ‘Morano is just a cog in a larger attack and disinformation machine…Morano is the pit bull who carries those attacks out for them’
Climate Depot featured in Michael Mann’s new book: ‘The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines’ — 27 mentions of ‘Morano’
Aussie Daily Telegraph: Climate change alarmist warnings all hot air, says British scientist James Lovelock
Climategate & UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth throws James Lovelock under the bus! ‘The fact is [Lovelock] knows little or nothing about climate change’
Oh No! ‘World Governments Establish Biodiversity Panel – Scientists from more than 90 countries will unite to create an UN IPCC-like body to assess Earth’s fragile ecosystems’
Reactions to ‘Biodiversity Panel’: ‘When govts select scientists, it ceases to be science. I would like to see separation of science & state. Science with a political agenda is not science’
Climate Depot’s round up of UN’s ‘sustainable development’ efforts: UN now says case for saving species ‘more powerful than climate change’
UK Climate Scientist Recants His Alarmism: ‘What Lovelock is saying is a) he was wrong about his predictions & b) in actuality they really don’t know what is happening…’