Warmism fades into sunset: Gallup survey: Climate dead-last among all ENVIRONMENTAL concerns — ‘Americans Worry Most About Water Contamination, Least About Global Warming’
GALLUP Survey: WORRIES ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT AT ALL-TIME LOWS — ‘Of the seven environmental issues Gallup tested, worries about global warming finished dead last’ — 7th out 7 env. issues!
The Capricious Dr. Hansen of NASA: ‘It is one thing for a scientist to cook up ideas with abandon, but quite another to do so with the papers stamped by the government’
Facts about the ‘Forecast the Facts’ campaign – they’re just another paid mouthpiece of the Center for American Progress
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi Responds To The AMS Climate Statement: ‘Such drivel in the face of facts, makes me glad I never joined the AMS’
January Tornadoes: ‘A favorite lie of alarmists in 2012 is that the tornado season is extending longer than it used to. Historical records show that this claim is complete nonsense’
Climatologist Dr. Pielke Sr. rips 2012 AMS warmist climate statement as example of the ‘very top-down control of this professional society’
Dysfunctional Science: Alarming increase in scientific retractions ‘a symptom of a dysfunctional scientific climate’
At Last, The Right Lesson From Climategate Fiasco: Scientists’ new paper in journal Science: ‘The time has come for all science journals to begin requiring computer source code be made available…’
Max Planck Institute Dir. Admits ‘Physical Causes Unclear…Models Inconsistent With Observations’