‘Nice Weather’ in U.S. Makes Obama a ‘Little Nervous’: ‘It gets you a little nervous about what is happening to global temps’ — Climate Depot Answers: Global Temps are dropping!
President Barack Obama is linking warm March weather in the U.S. to man-made global warming. See: ‘Nice Weather’ Making Obama a ‘Little Nervous’: “It gets you a little nervous about what is happening to global temperatures. “When it is 75 degrees in Chicago in the beginning of March, you start thinking.”
Obama seems to be implying that the U.S. warm spell means that global temperatures are also warm.
Climate Depot is happy to provide President Obama the answer to his temperature jitters. The continental U.S. — which covers just 2% of the Earth’s surface – has been very warm, but global temperatures have been cooling. There has been record or near record snow and ice in Alaska, the Arctic, Antarctic, a brutally cold winter in Europe and even parts of the Southern Hemisphere are facing a year without a Summer.
Despite a warm winter in the continental U.S., global temperatures have seen a cooling trend. Even this years early Cherry Blossom bloom in DC fails to alarm. See: ‘The cherry blossom bloom date in 1946 (March 14 or before) was earlier than current year — CO2 was a little over 310 ppm in 1946′ & 1941 Heatwave Caused DC Cherry Blossoms To Appear Six Months Early & Japan in 2012: Unusually Cold weather delays blooming of early cherry blossoms
Update: March 19, 2012: What is Pres. Obama ‘nervous’ about? Warm March Days On The Decline In Chicago — ‘There is nothing particularly unusual about this weather’ — ‘Chicago has had seventeen March days over 80 degrees, including two in 1907, five in 1910, 1928, 1938, two in 1939, 1945, 1981 and three in 1986. All of those years had CO2 below 350 ppm’
Below is a small sampling of information that may serve to calm Obama’s global temperature jitters.
2012 Is 0.6C Cooler Than 2010 So Far: ‘All of claimed warming of 20th century is gone’ — NASA’s Hansen ‘has gone silent…he is only interested in data which backs his belief system’ — ‘All of the claimed warming of the 20th century is gone, despite solar max and neutral ENSO’
Al Gore / AIT Index, Vol. 23: Global temperatures have plunged .56°F since An Inconvenient …
Warm here, cold elsewhere: ‘Cord snow hit many parts of Europe. Springtime for Boston and vicinity — winter for China and France’
With Blow-Out March Heat Wave, Meteorologist Masters Says ‘This Is Not The Atmosphere I Grew Up With’ — Rebuttal: ‘It is more like the atmosphere his great-great grandfather grew up with’
Smoking Gun That Warmist Jeff Masters Is Incompetent: ‘Masters has been trying to link the warm weather in DC this March to atmospheric CO2…’
Another Global Warming Icon Bites The Dust: ‘The cherry blossom bloom date in 1946 (March 14 or before) was earlier than current year…
1941 Heatwave Caused DC Cherry Blossoms To Appear Six Months Early
Japan in 2012: Unusually Cold weather delays blooming of early cherry blossoms
Alaska has its coldest January on record; near-record snowfall collapses buildings, piles up in city dumps where it may not melt entirely before next winter; global warming blamed