Green Con: ‘When Wall Street Makes Crap Loans, It’s a Crisis; When DOE’s Steven Chu Does It, It’s Green Energy’
TV Debate: Sen. Inhofe debates MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on global warming: Part 1 here
Maddow Cites Wrong Segment in Own Show to Tie Inhofe to ‘Kill the Gays’ Bill in Uganda
New paper finds extreme droughts were more common 200-300 years ago — ‘Reconstructed drought conditions of American Southeast from 1665 to 2010’
‘Human engineering’ co-author Anders Sandberg: ‘Maybe most sustainable thing we could do would be to aim at a future ensconced in cold datacenters under the subtropical deserts of Earth’
EIA Report: ‘Fossil fuel production on federal lands at 9 year low: ‘Total fossil fuel production on federal lands is falling, natural gas production on federal lands is falling’
‘A new model suggests that prehistoric sea-level rise long thought to have been caused by the [East Antarctic] ice sheet melting was actually the result of local subsidence’
Agenda 21: Science mag calls for steps toward global governance: ‘During the Enlightment, science was liberating. During the Environment, Science is oppressive’
NASA GISS: February 2012 Was Tied For Coldest Since 1993 ‘Temperature anomalies (0.40) remain far below Hansen’s zero emissions scenario C –red dot below’
‘Greenland is buried and surrounded by record snow,ice and cold –while the flaming morons at the Christian Science Monitor are printing stories about Greenland melting down’