Gore trails after 4 lively years of the global warming bet at The Global Warming Challenge
Repent Now Ye Climate Sinners! Failure to Address Global Warming Helps Move Doomsday Clock One Minute Closer to Midnight
AGW to bring Animal armageddon!? : ‘They compete, they parasitize each other and they eat each other’
Israeli Astrophysicist Nir Shaviv rips ‘UN IPCCs exaggerated climate sensitivity and the emperor’s new clothes’ — IPCC’s 1990 predictions have failed
Physicist Dr. Motl: ‘Will CO2 save us from next ice age?…the underlying logic is still the same pseudoscience’
BBC’s Renouf to Keith Briffa: ‘Your essential job is to ‘prove’ to [host Paul] Rose, that what we’re experiencing now is NOT just another of those natural fluctuations we’ve seen in past’
Warmist Trenberth on attempts by climate models to predict behavior of ENSO, NAO, PDO, etc: ‘That is very much experimental science’
Fair and balanced?: Why was the Wash. Post so incredibly interested in contents of Sarah Palin’s emails, yet so very uninterested in the contents of the ClimateGate emails?’
New paper predicts less 21st century warming than IPCC: Geophysical Research Letters study ‘predicts less 21st century ‘greenhouse’ warming than the IPCC’
A call for reproducible research: Governmetns should ‘require that all scientists whose studies they finance share the files that generated their published findings’