CFACT: EPA Mercury Rules For Electricity Generating Units Based On False Science And Economics
Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick Takes Another Huge Hit: South America’s Hot Medieval Temperatures
2004 email: Phil Jones on why he thought the last 20 years was warmer than the Medieval Warm Period: ‘This is all gut feeling, no science’
Hockey Stick Shows That CO2 Sensitivity Is Much Lower Than Natural Variability
1954 Article Explains Brian Williams/Jeff Masters Derangement Syndrome: ‘The changes in climate that people think they experience are seldom real’
1954 Shock News : Climate Scientists Used To Understand The Climate: ‘For about 99% of its existence the earth was much warmer than now’
Australian Droughts Show The Same Pattern As US Droughts: ‘Both peaked from 1920-1960’
1998 Climategate email: Briffa fears a ‘backlash’ as modellers ‘undertake simple assessments of the palaeo-series and conclude that they are all of very little use’
Warmist Barrie Pittock chastises warmist Mike Hulme for not being alarmist enough in providing material for a WWF leaflet
Phil Jones ‘…this assumes we fully understand the climate system, and I don’t think we do – in the sense that if we do something, we know what the effect will be’