More Co2 = a More Stable Climate! ‘Was the weather better below 350 ppm? Absolutely not’ — ‘Hurricanes & severe tornadoes were more common’
Remember when global warming caused less snow, before it caused more snow? Now it causes less snow again
Watch Now: Warming = Human caused! Undergraduate asst. Cory Kleinschmidt, tells the story of how climate change might be affecting a holiday tradition among many Canadian families’
Tipping points extended again: UN Foundation Pres. Warmist Tim Wirth: 2012 is Obama’s ‘last window of opportunity’ to get it right on climate change
1939: All Of The World’s Glaciers In Retreat — ‘One of the most flagrant lies from the IPCC, the EPA, is that glacial retreat is due to CO2’
Researcher ‘nervous’ about McIntyre and McKitrick getting access to supporting data
Analysis: ‘Completely Fraudulent Adjustments’: ‘The Rahmstorf adjustment is 100% bogus’
WSJ: Lisa Jackson’s Power Play: ‘The rest of the purported benefits—to be precise, 99.99%—come by double-counting pollution reductions like soot that the EPA…’
‘Scientific’ American suggests that CO2-induced warming is already killing 150,000 people per year
NASA’s Hansen Works His Arctic Magic: ‘Despite having no data north of 80N, Hansen has determined that it was very hot there in November’