New scandal SeaLevelGate: ‘UN IPCC falsified satellite altimetry: ‘We had to do so, otherwise there would be no trend’
LA Times features photo of global warming protester holding up a sign that says ‘Socialise Land, Mines, Banks, Ocean, Air, Forests’
Read it here! The contextual collection of Climategate 2.0 quotes
Warmist Tom Wigley on smearing [skeptical scientists] Soon and Baliunas: ‘Perhaps we could start referring to them as astrologers (excusable as … ‘oops, just a typo’)’
January ’07: Warmist Steven Schneider credits Katrina and the ‘Gore movie’ for a building ‘social tipping phemenona [sic]’
Climate Depot set to Occupy Durban! Sen. Inhofe to Join CFACT’s Mission to Debunk Climate Propaganda and Provide Balanced Perspective at UN’s COP17 in Durban
CFACT report from Durban: ‘Can COP17 technocrats rescue the warming scam?’
Lord Monckton in Durban on man-made global warming: ‘It. Isn’t. Happening’
Occupying Durban: The Greatest Sham on Earth: ‘If you have a phobia about high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) then you should avoid Durban, South Africa’
Briffa writes “Much of the detail in Mikes response though is not sensible (sorry Mike)”; Ray Bradley suggests that an ‘independent group’ such as CRU weigh in on Mann’s side’