NSW government ‘censored’ inconvenient sea level data: ‘Rates of rise far lower than those projected, were censored to avoid conflicting with government policy on climate change’
The genesis of RealClimate.org appears in the Climategate emails, and surprise, the BBC’s Roger Harrabin seems connected
Phil Jones, 2008: ‘Why can’t people just accept that the IPCC is right!!’
Climategate 2.0: 1999 Briffa email: ‘I believe that the recent warmth was probably matched about 1000 years ago’
The Travesty of the Missing Heat — deep ocean or outer space? ‘Since 2003 (when we started measuring oceans properly) the oceans have been cooling’
‘Where will Santa live?’ The worst kind of ugly climate propaganda: David Suzuki targets kids at Christmas in the name of climate change
Listen Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Climategate 2.0 and the Durban Climate Conference — Climate Depot Set to OCCUPY DURBAN! & release new A-Z report at UN summit
NYT censoring comments about Revkin’s role in Climategate 2.o?! ‘NY Times moves to silence inconvenient commenters?’
U.S. sees 2,232nd consecutive days without being hit by major hurricane — ‘shatters’ previous streak set in 1906
Hurricanes Becoming Much Less Frequent In Florida: ‘By June,2012 it will have been almost 7 years without a hurricane strike in Florida -the longest period on record’