Climategate 2.0: Briffa gets to review his own work? Revkin wants to know if that’s a ‘potential conflict of interest’
Climategate 2.0: Revkin told freezing and melting alarm not a good PR combo
Climategate 2.0: Mann’s allies include Revkin, Science Mag., Environmental Defense
Climategate 2.0: Mann to Revkin — Use me but don’t quote me — Even Mann is embarrassed by his own work and thoughts
Warmists Revkin and Dessler: Hey, we just remembered that we never really very worried about extreme warming
Climategate 2.0: Revkin looks to cherrypick best alarmist data for commentary
Climategate 2.0: Revkin says Inhofe speaks for the stupid: NYT ‘reporter’ Revkin insults Sen. Inhofe and a ‘big chunk of America’ — & advises alarmists ‘to use Inhofe against himself’
Climategate 2.0: NYT’s Revkin volunteers for alarmist damage control — Revkin acts to foil skeptics sharing facts with ‘Average Joe’
UK Daily Mail: BBC sought advice from global warming scientists on economy, drama, music… and even game shows
Climategate 2.0: Mann seeks Revkin help against hockey stick critics