Temperatures Plunge As CO2 Soars: ‘CO2 is rising much faster than expected to record levels, & temps have dropped 0.37C since last year’
Dr. Fred Singer Rebuts Muller in WSJ oped: ‘Why I Remain a Global-Warming Skeptic’
U.S. Poll: 90% think that climate change is not ‘the most pressing international energy issue that the president will have to tackle in the years to come’
Paging NBC’s Brian Williams: ‘1925, 1930 October Blizzards Buried New England’
Last chance for politicians to control Earth’s thermostat! Durban may be last chance to stabilise climate under two degrees
Noam Chomsky on global warming: ‘We’re really regressing back to the Medieval period…without rapid change ‘chances for a decent future are not very high’
Cap-and-Cry: California’s Global Warming Program (avoided warming of 0.005°C by 2050 under CARB regulations)
Autumn Snow Cover Has Increased Almost 50% Over The Last 15 Years
Homeland Security: Global warming to cause terrorism in U.S. — ‘Could enable terrorist activity, violence and mass migration’
Warmist Joe Romm laps up media’s climate astrology: ‘Wow! The NBC Evening news ran one of the best segments on global warming and extreme weather ever to appear on a major network’