Warmist Fred Pearce turns on fellow warmists: ‘There are many reasons for scientists to be humble, and calling those (skeptics) who engage in debating such issues ‘deniers’ is foolish fundamentalism’
Warmist turned almost skeptic Scientist Judith Curry’s Blog on Revkin’s ‘denier’ chart: ‘The BIG money, of course, is paid out and spent on the CAGW (warmist) side and has always been’
From Central America to Africa: Meet The Real Climate-Change Refugees: ‘20,000 poor Uganadan’s were forced out of their village to make way for some company trading in Kyoto carbon-credits’
Report: EU carbon trading scheme pays for murder of 23 farmers in Honduras — ‘The list of casualties of climate fearmongering is expanding’
Murdering Honduran Peasant Farmers For Fun And AGW Profit: ‘Reported murders of 23 local farmers who tried to recover land, which they say was illegally sold to big palm oil plantations’
Rick Perry doubles down on climate skepticism: Perry said that ‘just within the last couple of weeks, a renowned Nobel laureate’ has dissented
Chris Christie & His Belief in Man-Made Global Warming ‘worries me with his simple-minded statement’
The EPA Gets Caught in a Big Fat Lie: ‘If you want to stay warm this winter, you better hope that utilities keep producing the electricity for your home’s heating system’
The ‘Gold Standard’ of Science turns out to be Fools Gold! ‘Most IPCC coordinating lead authors work for WWF’
This is 90% certainty? Really? (Yet another paper shows the hot-spot is missing.)