Solyndra executives repeatedly invoke the Fifth
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer report: ‘140 decades of Climate Models vs. Observations’
‘Man-made global warming crisis crusaders facing a new threat…Challenged by new scientific evidence of important solar influences upon climate that can’t readily be blamed on us’
Progress: UK Telegraph lists some ‘exaggerations about climate change’ — ‘Himalayan glaciers…N. Pole could be ‘completely ice free by 2014…Half of Netherlands is below sea level…’
Sea Level: Another Thing The UN IPCC Got Wrong: ‘Sea level has increased by 10 cm in past 50 years, it also increased by 10 cm in previous 50 years when man could not have been to blame!’
Classified: CIA Keeps its Climate Work Under Wraps: ‘CIA categorically denied a request under the FOIA for copies of studies or reports from the center on climate change impacts’
Global warming mania in the mainstream press: ‘Conflating this scary picture of some apparent noxious atmospheric pollutant with issue of global warming & CO2 emissions is just flat out fraudulent’
Et Tu?! Even this Al Gore-brainwashed climate hoax presenter seems uncomfortable with Gore’s latest propaganda
CNN suggests that if you don’t believe in the global warming hoax, you’re too religious
Roll over Einstein: Pillar of physics challenged: Claim ‘that nothing can go faster than the speed of light – appears to be smashed by an oddball subatomic particle’