Flashback 2010: NYT Cites Morano on warmist film depicting skeptical kids being blown up: ‘This (the Spattergate film) is warmists expressing their frustrations’
Flashback: Warmists’ long history of threats of violence and intimidation against skeptics — ‘Execute’ Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: ‘At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers’
Frustrated Al Gore Goes Violent: Gore’s new ad depicts climate skeptic being killed?! Skeptic’s ‘denial’ is silenced by hit on the head — Gore: ‘The Denial Ends Sept. 14’
He’s back: Gore asks supporters to host 24 Hour ‘Climate Reality’ Parties
1931 Flood Killed Millions in China, And Left 50,000,000 Homeless — But the warmists tells us that recent flooding is unprecedented’
Laugh Riot From Warmists: After only 200 million years of life, trace amounts of natural, harmless, invisible gas will allegedly kill 100% of world’s coral over next 89 years