Oh No! Warmists At it Again! ‘Hurricane Irene’s got a middle name, and it’s Global Warming’
NYT”s Revkin: ‘Romney Flips on CO2’ — Climate Depot’s Morano claims Romney’s ‘scalp to hang on his wall of recantations’
Sen. Inhofe calls out Romney on climate: ‘Wants candidate to take stand on warming issue’
Romney’s new climate view is ‘a significant climbdown. And you know who this helps? It’s not Mitt Romney, that’s for sure’
Romney ‘Flip Flopping Into the Mush’: ‘To paraphrase a famous remark used against a certain Democrat in the 2004 Pres. campaign, Mitt Romney was for global warming before he was against it’.
Update: ‘Polarbeargate’ Scientist To Head Back To Work…but his job is changing and he will no longer manage federal contracts’
Warmist Stephen Stromberg: Not blowing money on the climate hoax is like not buying ‘flood insurance unless you know — for sure — that you are going to have a flood’
Shock News : Most Of The World’s Wars Occurred Below 350 PPM CO2
SolarPanelGate?! Summer’s almost over, and still no promised solar panels on White House roof
UVa. turns over FOIA-requested Michael Mann climate-change papers to critics