New Iceland current could sway N. Atlantic climate: ‘Less sensitive to climate change than previously thought’
NYT’s Revkin promotes the ‘science’ behind AGW scare: ‘A Fundamental GOP Science Problem…Is there any chance that a reality-based Republican can be a serious candidate in gen. election?
CBS News on Rick Perry: ‘Can the Republican Party elect someone President who doesn’t believe in global warming?’
Cheers! GOP Gov. Tom Corbett of Penn. quietly turning off the lights on renewable energy! ‘De-emphasizing renewable energy….eliminating programs…focuses on natural gas energy’
Wamist Keith Kloor’s moment of clarity: Rick Perry is having ‘a referendum on legitimacy of climate science! — BINGO!
Warmist Keith Kloor under delusion that Jon Huntsman is a factor! ‘Huntsman just may save the Republican party from itself’ — Predicts Climate Depot will attack Huntsman
Moo! Climate hoax promoter Keith Kloor calls Climate Depot ‘a well known climate skeptic barnyard’
A carbon tax is good for Australia’s mental health: ‘Carbon tax as training wheels, getting us incrementally used to rise in cost of living…’
Bummer: God and Satanic CO2 may have teamed up to cause a bad weather event in New York City — ‘It was an act of God, possibly related to global warming’
Ocean Current Could Lead To Cooling Of Northern Hemisphere Climate