Geologist rips Gore: ‘Global warming is melting Al Gore’s brain’ — ‘With 18 or 20 natural climate drivers constantly at work, there is no way Earth can have a stable climate’
NYT: New EPA regulations may prompt blackouts — ‘May Strain Summer Energy Supplies’
How Many Findings of the UN IPCC AR4 WG I are Incorrect? Answer: 28%: Results based on ‘quantitative analysis of all 2,744 findings’ from the 2007 IPCC report
Magic CO2: Vampire bat bites man in Mexico, who then travels to the US and dies; CO2 blamed
Global temps from Jan-July 2011 were 2nd coldest this century: ‘First 7 months of 2011 were colder than same period of 1991, and of course, 1998 remains the leader of the league’ in warmth
Huh!? UN Recommends Attaching Big Kites To Ships To Pull Them Thru Water and go slower to reduce CO2 emissions — forget on time delivery – Hmmm, Oars & Slaves Next?